Results: 166

Evaluation of Hand Morphometry in Healthy Young Individuals from Different Countries

Int. j. morphol; 42 (4), 2024
SUMMARY: This study aims to examine the hand morphometry of healthy young individuals from different countries and investigate the differences between countries in typing of hand based on the morphometric values obtained. In the study, 16 different parameters, including two surface areas and 14 lengths, ...

Determinantes del estado de vacunación infantil: abordando la brecha de equidad en República Dominicana-2019

Introducción: Las desigualdades amenazan el progreso del país hacia la equidad y la cobertura de vacunación infantil. Siendo la cobertura inferior a la meta del 90% de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Objetivo: Identificar los determinantes sociales y las desigualdades en el estado de vacunació...

Social support network, functional capacity and mental health in older adults

Psico USF; 28 (4), 2023
This study aimed to describe the characteristics of the social networks of older adults and to assess associations between social support, functional capacity and mental health. The sample consisted of 134 community-dwelling older adults, assessed in terms of their social network through the Minimum Map ...

Cluster de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis e multimorbidade em trabalhadores da atençãoprimária à saúde

Objetivo: Investigar a agregação das DCNT e a sua associação com as características sociodemográficas e os aspectos ocupacionais dos trabalhadores da APS. Métodos: Tratou-se de um estudo epidemiológico transversal que analisou os dados parciais de uma coorte retrospectiva realizada em Vitória da...

Padrões espaciais e caracterização epidemiológica dos suicídios na microrregião de Chapecó, Santa Catarina: estudo ecológico, 1996-2018

Epidemiol. serv. saúde; 32 (1), 2023
Objective: to identify spatial clusters of suicide and its epidemiological characteristics in the Chapecó (SC) micro-region from 1996 to 2018. Methods: this was an exploratory ecological study, using data from the Mortality Information System; specific suicide rates and relative risks (RR) were calcula...

ABCA1 transporter promotes the motility of human melanoma cells by modulating their plasma membrane organization

Biol. Res; 56 (), 2023
BACKGROUND: Melanoma is one of the most aggressive and deadliest skin tumor. Cholesterol content in melanoma cells is elevated, and a portion of it accumulates into lipid rafts. Therefore, the plasma membrane cholesterol and its lateral organization might be directly linked with tumor development. ATP Bi...

Tuberculosis en la frontera colombo-venezolana: distribución geoespacial

RESUMEN La distribución geoespacial de la morbilidad por tuberculosis (TB) pulmonar y extrapulmonar en el municipio de Cúcuta en los años 2019 y 2020 se describió utilizando el método de Kulldorff usando la ubicación geográfica y la fecha de reporte de los casos incidentes de TB. La unidad de aná...

A fresh look at the concept of Genus Epidemicus: findings from the Clificol Project

The Clificol® COVID-19 Support Project is an innovative international data collection project aimed at tackling some of the core questions in homeopathy, including the notion of Genus Epidemicus. Aims:To shed some light on the notion of Genus Epidemicus in the context of this infection. Go...

Metodologias de identificação de padrões alimentares a posteriori em adultos: uma revisão integrativa

Rev. Ciênc. Plur; 8 (2), 2022
Introdução:São poucos os estudos que identificaram os padrões alimentares em adultos sem patologias associadas utilizando metodologias de abordagem a posteriori, o que representa um grande e importante campo de pesquisa na epidemiologia nutricional a ser explorado para melhor...