Results: 6

Patent blue V dye anaphylaxis: a case report and literature review

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 70 (6), 2020
Abstract Background: Anaphylaxis is a constant perioperative concern due to the exposure to several agents capable of inducing hypersensitivity reactions. Patent blue V (PBV), also known as Sulfan Blue, a synthetic dye used in sentinel node research in breast surgery, is responsible for 0.6% of reported...

Anaphylaxis to Agaricus bisporus ingestion

ABSTRACT A 33-year-old male with house dust mite allergic rhinitis and asthma reported an episode of facial and lip angioedema, dyspnea, cough and dysphagia at the age of 25, minutes after eating a mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus ) pizza. He denied any drug intake, hymenoptera stings or other possible trigg...

Caso clínico: Diagnóstico de alergia a relajantes musculares y opiáceos

Rev. chil. anest; 48 (3), 2019
The anesthesiologist is the specialist who most often faces allergic reactions due to the number of drugs and substances that are exposed to the patient during the course of an intervention. Although they are rare, they have a mortality rate between 3% and 10%. We present a clinical case of a 42-year-old...

Anafilaxia relacionada à vacina sarampo, caxumba e rubéola, Santa Catarina, Brasil, 2014 e 2015

Resumo: Os objetivos consistiram em descrever os casos e verificar a frequência de anafilaxia relacionada à vacina sarampo, caxumba e rubéola (SCR) do produtor A, bem como avaliar os possíveis fatores de risco associados. Estudo de caso-controle (1:4), em Santa Catarina, Brasil, de 14 de julho de 201...

Perianesthetic refractory anaphylactic shock with cefuroxime in a patient with history of penicillin allergy on multiple antihypertensive medications

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 67 (2), 2017
Abstract We report a case of perianesthetic refractory anaphylactic shock with cefuroxime in a patient with history of penicillin allergy on regular therapy with atenolol, losartan, prazosin and nicardipine. Severe anaphylactic shock was only transiently responsive to 10 mL of (1:10,000) epinephrine and ...

Complicaciones del tratamiento trombolítico en pacientes con infacto del miocardio
Complications of thrombolytic therapy in patients with myocardial infarction

Rev. chil. cardiol; 14 (4), 1995
Analizamos en forma retrospectiva las complicaciones del tratamiento trombolítico observadas en 221 pacientes (pts) conseutivos con infarto del miocardio (IAM) y que fueron tratados con estreptoquinasa por vía sistémica (STK) dentro de las primeras 6 horas de evolución. La edad promedio fue de 61,5 a...