Results: 4

Evaluation of Child Anxiety Prior to Dental Care by Means of Modified Venham Picture Test, RMS Pictorial Scale and Facial Image Scale Tests

Abstract Objective: To evaluate child anxiety prior to dental care; to compare the results obtained by applying different anxiety tests and to assess whether anxiety is related to age or gender, and to identify which test children find to be more attractive and easier to understand. Material and Method...

Does the trait anxiety affect the dental fear?

Abstract The aims of the present study were to evaluate possible associations between trait anxiety, dental fear and the predictors of these interactions including demographic characteristics and dental history of patients applied to the dental care center in Ankara, Turkey. A sample of 607 participants ...

Factors for determining dental anxiety in preschool children with severe dental caries

Abstract The aim of this study was to assess the clinical and socioeconomic indicators associated with dental anxiety in preschool children with severe dental caries. A total of 100 children between 3 and 5 years of age were selected during a dental screening procedure. The selection criteria were having...

Factores que pueden generar miedo al tratamiento estomatológico en niños de 2 a 4 años de edad
Factors that may generate fear to dental treatment in children aged 2-4

Rev. cuba. estomatol; 39 (3), 2002
Se estudiaron los factores que más influyeron en la aparición del miedo al tratamiento estomatológico en niños de 2 a 4 años de edad, apoyados en las encuestas y en la primera visita al estomatólogo. Se encuestaron 50 niños cubanos con sus madres y 27 estomatólogos en relación con los factores q...