Results: 142

Clinical Effect Observation of Apatinib Combined with 131I for Radioiodine-Refractory Differentiated Thyroid Cancer and Prognostic Significance Analysis of Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1alpha After Treatment: A Cell Regulation Study

Int. j. morphol; 42 (2), 2024
SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to observe the clinical efficacy of apatinib (AP) combined with 131I in the treatment of radioiodine-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer (RAIR-DTC) and the prognostic significance of MIP-1α after treatment, and to provide reference and guidance for futur...

Celecoxib: Antiangiogenic and Antitumoral Action

Int. j. morphol; 42 (1), 2024
SUMMARY: Angiogenesis, a process by which new blood vessels are generated from pre-existing ones, is significantly compromised in tumor development, given that due to the nutritional need of tumor cells, pro-angiogenic signals will be generated to promote this process and thus receive the oxygen and nutr...

¿Qué hay de nuevo en el tratamiento de amiloidosis por cadenas livianas? Parte 1: cadenas livianas
What is new in light chain amyloidosis treatment? Part 1: lightweight chains

La amiloidosis AL es una enfermedad debida al depósito, en órganos y tejidos, de fibrillas formadas por cadenas livianas producidas de forma patológica por plasmocitos clonales. Su tratamiento actualmente está orientado a erradicar el clon de células plasmáticas; este históricamente se extrapoló ...

Antitumor and immunomodulatory activity of fucoidan from the brown alga Lessonia trabeculata (Lessoniaceae) on breast cancer spheroids

Rev. biol. trop; 71 (1), 2023
Abstract Introduction: The therapeutic benefits of the brown algae fucoidan in the treatment of breast cancer have attracted considerable interest in recent years. However, research using spheroids which provide relevant results in trials for antitumor and immunomodulatory products because they adequat...

Relato anual: recurrencia local del cáncer de recto
Annual report: local recurrence of rectal cancer

Toxicidad pulmonar secundaria a bleomicina. Reporte de un caso

La toxicidad pulmonar por antineoplásicos es muy variable dependiente del grupo far-macológico; la bleomicina es uno de los medicamentos en los que se ha reportado este evento. Este citostático puede lesionar el endotelio pulmonar y el epitelio alveolar para llevar a un proceso inflamatorio y fibróti...

Perfil clínico-epidemiológico de pacientes pediátricos de um centro de oncohematologia de pernambuco

Rev. Ciênc. Plur; 9 (1), 2023
ntrodução:O câncer infantojuvenil corresponde a um grupo de várias doenças que têm em comum a proliferação descontrolada de células anormais e que pode ocorrer em qualquer local do organismo. Objetivo:Identificar os tipos de neoplasias mais frequentes na infância e adolescência e...

Use of artificial intelligence to predict response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer

Mastology (Online); 33 (), 2023
:Breast cancer is the object of thousands of studies worldwide. Nevertheless, few tools are available to corroborate prediction of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Artificial intelligence is being researched for its potential utility in several fields of knowledge, including oncology. The developme...

Adesão à quimioterapia antineoplásica oral, apoio social e bem- estar de pacientes com câncer cerebral: estudo correlacional

Objetivos: identificar as percepções sobre o bem-estar, apoio social, intensidade dos sintomas e o seu impacto nas atividades diárias de pacientes com cânceres cerebrais e correlacionar os achados com os níveis de adesão aos quimioterápicos antineoplásicos orais. Método: estudo correlacional e ...

In vitro evaluation of the effects of Viscum album homeopathic preparations on murine melanoma cells

Viscum album extract (VA) is a complementary treatment in cancer, with in vitro and in vivo cytotoxic effects on several tumor types when applied in phytochemical doses. However, highly diluted ethanolic homeopathic preparations' effects and mechanisms need further study. Aims:To a...