Results: 1413

Influencia del perímetro abdominal sobre la presión arterial en la población peruana, 2022
Influence of abdominal circumference on blood pressure in the peruvian population, 2022

Introducción. Un perímetro abdominal elevado podría incrementar la vascularización del tejido adiposo en formación, aumentando el gasto cardiaco y la presión arterial. Se desconoce el impacto y grado de asociación de estos factores en la población peruana. Objetivo. Evalua...

Body Composition Classification with Electrical Bioimpedance in Chilean Military by Sex

Int. j. morphol; 42 (4), 2024
SUMMARY: Military readiness relies heavily on the physical fitness and operational capability of its personnel. This study aims to enhance the effectiveness of body composition assessment and classification protocols within the military context. A comprehensive evaluation of 4370 active-duty Chilean mili...

Body Typology of Lebanese Adults: Initial Cluster Cross-Selection Study

Int. j. morphol; 42 (3), 2024
SUMMARY: This study aims to investigate body typologies based on a combination of basic anthropo-morphological characteristics and body composition measured by multichannel bioimpedance in a sample from the adult population of Lebanon. A total of 302 subjects (173 males and 129 females) without acute or ...

Influência do período do dia no desempenho em uma bateria de testes de aptidão física em jovens universitários

Esse trabalho tem como objetivo investigar se o período do dia influencia no desempenho dos indivíduos numa bateria de TAF. A amostra foi composta por dez indivíduos de ambos os sexos (24,10 ± 0,96 anos), que realizaram o TAF nos três períodos do dia: manhã, tarde e noite, em três dias não conse...

Relación entre la percepción de condición física y medidas antropométricas auto reportadas en estudiantes universitarios

La percepción de la condición física en estudiantes universitarios se refiere a cómo se ven a sí mismos en términos de su estado físico y salud. En esta etapa, las variables antropométricas pueden verse afectadas por estrés, cambios en hábitos de sueño y alimentación, y menor participación e...

Nasolabial anthropometry using 3D computed tomography scan reconstruction: baseline study for nasolabial correction in Indonesian children with cleft lip and palate

J. oral res. (Impresa); 13 (1), 2024
Background: The normal nasolabial structure of infants and chil-dren from East Asian, specifically Indonesian, descent groups has been less explored in the literature. This anthropometric study is used as a guide in lip repair in patients with clefts. This retrospective study used archived CT images from...

Anthropometric Characteristics, Training Intensity Distribution, Physiological Profile and Performance of an Elite Trail Runner: A Longitudinal Case Study

Int. j. morphol; 42 (2), 2024
SUMMARY: Trail running (TR), an extreme endurance sport, presents unique challenges due to the variety of terrain and distances, where physiological capacity and body composition have been considered better predictors of performance. This longitudinal case study examines the impact of training intensity ...

Somatic Maturity and Physical Performance in Male Youth Players from a Professional Soccer Academy

Int. j. morphol; 42 (2), 2024
SUMMARY: The aim was to analyze the relationship between somatic maturation and physical performance in male youth soccer players belonging to a professional Mexican academy. In 121 male soccer aged 11 to 16 years from a professional academy the peak height velocity (PHV), percentage of adult height (PAS...

Incidence of Muscular Strength, Anthropometry, and Asymmetry in the General Index of Autonomy in Older Chilean Women

Int. j. morphol; 42 (2), 2024
SUMMARY: Frailty affects the functional autonomy (FA) of older adults and could manifest itself in muscle imbalances in the limbs, resulting in a disparity in size and strength between them. In Chile, information on the relationship between muscle strength (MS) levels and FA asymmetries in older women is...

Standing-Long-Jump Test Application in Identifying Female Adolescents at Risk of Sarcopenic Obesity

Int. j. morphol; 42 (2), 2024
SUMMARY: The identification of children and adolescents who are at risk of sarcopenic obesity development often requires specialized equipment and expensive test procedures. Therefore, the establishment of cheaper and faster methods would be greatly useful, especially if they could be applied in the fiel...