Results: 3

Vanadium inhibits Type 2 diabetes mellitus-induced aortic ultrastructural alterations associated with the Inhibition of dyslipidemia and biomarkers of inflammation in rats

Int. j. morphol; 38 (1), 2020
The potential inhibitory effect of the insulin mimicking agent, vanadium on type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)induced alterations to the aorta ultrastructure associated with the suppression of dyslipedima and biomarkers of inflammation has not been investigated before. Therefore, we tested whether vanadium ...

Pre-diabetes induces ultrastructural alterations in the large blood vessel aorta in rats

Int. j. morphol; 37 (2), 2019
Excessive consumption of carbohydrate and fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. We sought to determine the potential ultrastructural alterations in large blood vessels induced by a high fat and fructose diet (HFD) in a rat model of prediabetes. Rats were either fed with HFD (model group) or a...

Study on optic microscope of the collagen component of the aorto-iliac bifurcation septum and initial segment of the middle sacral artery

Rev. chil. anat; 14 (2), 1996
Estudiamos la disposición de las fibras colágenas en el septo de la bifurcación aortoilíaca y en la porción inicial de la arteria sacra mediana a través de técnicas de microscopía óptica. Utilizamos muestras anatómicas de individuos de ambos sexos con edades entre 20 a 33 años. Para la detecci...