Results: 16

Anatomical Conditions in Simultaneous Orthognathic Surgery and Structural Rhinoplasty. A Clinical Series

Int. j. morphol; 41 (6), 2023
SUMMARY: Orthognathic surgery and rhinoplasty show synergy in terms of function and aesthetic results. The aim of this research is to analyze variables related to simultaneous orthognathic surgery and rhinoplasty and to discuss the surgical sequence. Male and female subjects between 18 and 45 years old w...

Tratamiento ortodóncico-quirúrgico de pacientes con asimetría facial
Orthodontic-surgical treatment of patients with facial asymmetry

Rev. ADM; 79 (6), 2022
Introducción: la asimetría facial es una condición notoria en el tercio inferior de la facie del sujeto y entre los tercios medio y superior, en este último será menos evidente esta condición, de tal manera que podría considerarse como una de las molestias de mayor incidencia en pacientes con nece...

Skeletal posterior crossbite in patient with mandibular asymmetry: an alternative solution

ABSTRACT Introduction: Skeletal posterior crossbite (SPCB) has a multifactorial etiology, as it may be caused by parafunctional habits, atypical position of the tongue, tooth losses and maxillary or mandibular transverse skeletal asymmetries. Skeletal involvement may lead to facial changes and an unfavo...

Manejo Quirúrgico de la Hiperplasia Condilar Tipo 2: Reporte de un Caso

RESUMEN: La hiperplasia condilar (HC) es un término genérico de una condición patológica que se utiliza para describir situaciones que causan el crecimiento excesivo y sobredesarrollo del cóndilo mandibular, repercutiendo así también en la mandíbula, es la responsable de alrededor del 50 % de las...

Facial asymmetry: virtual planning to optimize treatment predictability and aesthetic results

Abstract Facial asymmetry is a condition that compromises function and social interactions and, consequently, the quality of life. Orthodontic-surgical treatment may be indicated to achieve a stable occlusion and significant improvement in facial aesthetics. The virtual planning of the maxillary, mandibu...

Bichectomia e sua contribuição para harmonia facial

Rev. bras. cir. plást; 33 (4), 2018
Introdução: O tecido gorduroso bucal foi descrito pela primeira vez em 1732, por Heister. Em 1802, Bichat diagnosticou sua natureza adiposa. Há uma estreita relação entre a gordura bucal e músculos da mastigação, auxiliando os lactentes na sucção do leite por atuar com um tecido de deslizamento...

Toxina botulínica para tratamento de síndrome do Choro Assimétrico: relato de caso

Rev. bras. cir. plást; 33 (2), 2018
Síndrome do choro assimétrico é uma condição congênita secundária à hipoplasia ou ausência do músculo depressor do ângulo da boca. Trata-se de uma condição não tão incomum que pode cursar com assimetria facial ao chorar e sorrir, além de poder estar associadas a outras malformações cong...

Digital platform for planning facial asymmetry orthodontic-surgical treatment preparation

ABSTRACT Dentofacial deformities usually are surgically treated, and 3D virtual planning has been used to favor accurate outcomes. Cases reported in the present article show that orthognathic surgery carried out to correct facial asymmetries does not comprise only one treatment protocol. 3D virtual plann...

Condylectomy and "surgery first" approach: An expedited treatment for condylar hyperplasia in a patient with facial asymmetry

ABSTRACT Condylar Hyperplasia (CH) is a self-limiting pathology condition that produces severe facial deformity at the expense of mandibular asymmetry. In this case report a 15-year-old female patient was diagnosed with Unilateral Condylar Hiperplasia (UCH) by mean of single-photon emission computed tomo...

Class III malocclusion with maxillary deficiency, mandibular prognathism and facial asymmetry

ABSTRACT This article reports the clinical case of a female patient with history of unsuccessful orthodontic treatment. She presented with Class III malocclusion, mandibular and maxillary constriction, anterior crossbite and facial asymmetry resulting from laterognathism triggered by hyperactivity of the...