Results: 2

Work-related asthma

J. bras. pneumol; 47 (4), 2021
ABSTRACT Work-related asthma (WRA) is highly prevalent in the adult population. WRA includes occupational asthma (OA), which is asthma caused by workplace exposures, and work-exacerbated asthma (WEA), also known as work-aggravated asthma, which is preexisting or concurrent asthma worsened by workplace co...

Exposición a polvo de harina de trigo en panaderías de la Región Metropolitana

Wheat flour is a known sensitizer for humans. Bakers exposed to flour dust may develop occupational rhinitis and asthma. In Chile there is no current permissible limit for occupational exposure to wheat flour. To propose such a limit, 9 bakeries located in 6 districts of Santiago de Chile were evaluated,...