Abstract Introduction: Care towards nutrition is essential for the quality of a sustainable aquaculture product. Since the balance in food affects the growth and production of gametes. The circular economy is made possible through the use of discarded materials. Objective: The aim of this research wa...
La Escuela Especializada en Ingeniería ITCA FEPADE, MEGATEC La Unión, a través de la carrera Técnico en Manejo Integrado de Recursos Costero Marino con especialidad en Acuicultura y Pesquería, realizó esta investigación en asocio con Camaronera Eben Ezer. El proyecto tuvo como objetivo la caracter...
Abstract Introduction: Knowledge of growth patterns, sex ratio, and sexual maturity are of importance to exploited populations. The land crab Cardisoma guanhumi is an artisanal and subsistence exploited species in Puerto Rico. However, the growth patterns and sexual maturity of the local populations are ...
Introducción: El proceso de invasión biológica es una de las mayores amenazas a la biodiversidad y ecosistemas, con actuales y potenciales impactos en la salud pública y conservación. Procambarus clarkii es un crustáceo decápodo, originario del sur de Estados Unidos y noreste de México, que puede...
Abstract The Australian red-claw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, has been introduced for aquaculture purposes worldwide and consequently colonized natural environments, where it might cause ecosystem services losses or adversely affect native species and the local environment. This species was first fo...
Liu, Fei;
Qu, Yun-Kun;
Geng, Chao;
Wang, Ai-Ming;
Zhang, Jia-Hong;
Li, Jin-Feng;
Chen e, Kai-Jian;
Liu, Bo;
Tian, Hong-Yan;
Yang, Wen-Ping;
Yu, Ye-Bing.
BACKGROUND: Procambarus clarkii produces high-quality, delicious meat that is high in protein, low in fat, and rich in calcium and phosphorus. It has become an important aquatic resource in China. Our objectives are (i) to analyze the level of genetic diversity of P. clarkii populations; (ii) to explore ...
Introduction: Cryphiops caementarius, is an endemic prawn from river ecosystems in Southern Perú and Northern Chile. In these watersheds, natural populations are threatened by multiple anthropic interventions such as mining activities and fishing pressure, but also, by increasing impacts of invasive exo...
Sleep is defined as a state of unconsciousness, reduced locomotive activity and rapid awakening, and is well established in mammals, birds, reptiles and teleosts. Commonly, it is also defined with electrical records (electroencephalogram), which are only well established in mammals and to some extent in ...
Este proyecto estuvo orientado a evaluar el efecto del producto veterinario Monensina Sódica, un anticoccídico utilizado actualmente en el cultivo de camarón marino de la especie Litopennaeus vannamei para el tratamiento de la parasitósis por gregarinas. Durante la investigación se identificó la pr...
En El Salvador el 59.3% del camarón marino de la especie Litopenaeus vannamei se produce en la Bahía de Jiquilisco, departamento de Usulután, el cultivo tiene una duración de 60 a 90 días y el peso de cosecha oscila entre 7 y 12 gramos. El bajo crecimiento y las altas mortalidades son problemas que ...