Results: 6

The hospital autopsy: the importance in keeping autopsy an option

Autops. Case Rep; 12 (), 2022
Autopsy has been one of the most powerful diagnostic tools in medicine for over a century. Despite its importance in establishing cause of death and elucidating pathophysiology of disease, rates of hospital autopsies continue to decline. In this study we aim to determine if physicians believe autopsies a...

Programa de autopsias virtuales o “virtuopsias” en el Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile. Un importante eslabón para la generación de nuevo conocimiento y mejoramiento continuo
Virtual autopsy program or “virtuopsias” at the Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile. An important link for the generation of new knowledge and continuous improvement

Most of today ́s medical knowledge of current advances in medicine are based on autopsy findings and patological studies conducted during the 19th century. At the end of the 60s, autopsies began to decline in many countries, for multivariate reasons. Nowadays, autopsies are ...

Correlación clínico-patológica: una simbiosis irremplazable entre internista y patólogo
Clinical-pathological correlation: an unreplaceable symbiosis between the internist and the pathologist

Rev. medica electron; 40 (2), 2018
RESUMEN No existen dudas acerca de las dificultades que se presentan para lograr el diagnóstico de algunos pacientes, aún con el mejor uso de la clínica y de los recursos tecnológicos. Hay un porcentaje variable de diagnósticos de entidades nosológicas que por diversas complejidades o asociación d...