Results: 9

Extrusive, Intrusive Luxation and Avulsion in a 7-Year- Old Child: one year of Clinical, Radiographic and Tomographic Follow-Up

Dental trauma is a serious injury that occurs frequently in children and adolescents, requiring urgent dental care. The upper central incisors are the most vulnerable teeth to such traumatic injuries, which can lead to bite restrictions, difficulties in phonation and esthetical questions. The aim of this...

Traumatic Dental Injuries Occurred in Primary Teeth and their Sequel Effects on the Developmental Permanent Successors: A Controlled Study

ABSTRACT Objective: To examine the types of traumatic dental injuries of the primary teeth (TDI-p) and the long-term sequelae on permanent dentition (LSP) comparing with a control group (CG). In addition, a questionnaire that measures parents' knowledge and awareness was used. Material and Methods: The...

Traumatic Displacement of Maxillary Teeth into the Nasal Cavity: A Diagnosis Delayed for 15 Years

West Indian med. j; 69 (3), 2021
ABSTRACT Intrusion is defined as displacement of a tooth into the alveolar bone. In this report, we presented a patient with 15 years of delayed diagnosis of maxillary teeth intrusion into the nasal cavity. A 30-year-old male presented to our clinic with nasal discharge. He had been in a traffic accident...

Knowledge of Avulsion of Permanent Teeth Emergency Management Among Undergraduate in Brazilian Health Care Students

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the knowledge of undergraduate health care students, about avulsion of permanent teeth. Material and Methods: It is a cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of Brazilian undergraduate students of the nursing, medicine, and dentistry degree programs. A structured quest...

Conservative treatment in adult patient with reimplanted anterior teeth after traumatic avulsion with extensive bone loss: an 8-year follow-up

ABSTRACT Introduction: Orthodontic treatment in patients with traumatized teeth is a condition that needs good planning in order to achieve satisfactory results. Objective: To discuss approaches to orthodontic treatment of malocclusions associated with trauma followed by avulsion of anterior teeth, re...

Utilização do BIO-C TEMP® como medicação intracanal em tratamento de um dente permanente avulsionado e reimplantado tardiamente: relato de caso

RFO UPF; 25 (3), 2020
A avulsão dentária consiste no completo deslocamento traumático do dente do interior de seu alvéolo, ocasionando rompimento do suprimento sanguíneo e fibras periodontais. O reimplante imediato é considerado como melhor conduta, porém, nem sempre é possível. Quando necessário o tratamento endod...

Intrusive Dislocation in Permanent Teeth: Review of Literature and Clinical Case Report

ABSTRACT: Intrusive dislocation is an unusual and severe trauma, where the tooth is displaced axially into the alveolar bone, causing damage to the periodontal and pulpal tissues. The objective was to report a case of intrusive dislocation on a right maxillary central incisor of a 12-year-old patient, wh...

Abordagem quanto ao diagnóstico e ao tratamento da avulsão dentária: uma revisão de literatura

RFO UPF; 23 (2), 2018
Objetivo: descrever uma revisão da literatura que apresente as principais consequências que podem ocorrer quando o dente avulsionado é reimplantado de forma tardia, proporcionando um prognóstico desfavorável. Revisão de literatura: a avulsão dental é uma lesão traumática que se caracteriza pelo...

Pulp canal obliteration after traumatic injuries in permanent teeth - scientific fact or fiction?

Braz. oral res. (Online); 32 (supl.1), 2018
Abstract: Pulp canal obliteration (PCO) is a frequent finding associated with pulpal revascularization after luxation injuries of young permanent teeth. The underlying mechanisms of PCO are still unclear, and no experimental scientific evidence is available, except the results of a single histopathologic...