Results: 8

Intestinal Perforation and Perianal Ulcer Due to Parasitic Infection

Abstract Balantidium coli is the largest protozoan and the only ciliated parasite that infects humans. It causes balantidiasis, a disease humans acquire by fecal-oral transmission from its usual host: the pig. We report the case of an immunocompetent schoolgirl who presented with peritonitis due to intes...

Balantidium coli apendicular como hallazgo incidental. Reporte de un caso

Infectio; 25 (2), 2021
Resumen Balantidium coli es el único miembro de la familia Balantidiidae capaz de producir infección en seres humanos. Presentamos un caso en un hombre de 43 años que ingresa para corrección quirúrgica de hernia ventral durante la cual se realizó apendicetomía profiláctica. En el estudio histopat...

Research and extension action for parasitic control in pig breeding families located in Tanguá, Rio de Janeiro

Pesqui. vet. bras; 40 (10), 2020
This study aimed to analyze the parasites infesting pigs and their producers on family farms in Tanguá, RJ, Brazil, and to conduct extension activities between 2018 and 2019. Fecal samples were collected from 132 pigs, as well as, skin scrapings from the ears of 125 animals. In addition, 36 stool specim...

Alta prevalência de Balantidium coli em crianças de uma Escola Municipal de Moreira Sales - Pr

As doenças causadas por parasitos intestinais estão entre os mais frequentes agravos do mundo, pois é um problema de saúde pública que atinge a maioria da população. O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a prevalência de parasitos em crianças de 4 a 6 anos de uma escola municipal de Mo...

Fatal parasite-induced enteritis and typhlocolitis in horses in Southern Brazil

Abstract Diseases related to the alimentary system are the main cause of death in horses. This retrospective study aimed to describe the pathological findings of fatal parasite-induced enteritis and typhlocolitis caused by cyathostominae, Eimeria leuckarti, Balantidium coli, and Strongyloides westeri in ...

Identificación de bacterias y parásitos asociados a la materia fecal de diferentes ejemplares de Equus ferus caballus de Salento, departamento del Quindío

Las enfermedades de origen zoonótico han sido gravemente descuidadas en países en vía de desarrollo, sin tener en cuenta que esto puede tener graves implicaciones a nivel de salud pública, particularmente para Colombia, en las últimas décadas se han dado fuertes cambios sociales que han implicado, ...

Comparative study of three xenic media culture for cultivation of Balantidium coli strains

Abstract The aim of the present study was to evaluate the growth rate of Balantidium coli in three xenic media cultures. Between 2013 and 2015, 10 B. coli isolates obtained from feces of Cynomolgus macaques, and 30 isolates from feces of pigs were studied. An inoculum of 500 trophozoites was transferred ...

Comparison of five parasitological techniques for laboratory diagnosis of Balantidium coli cysts

Abstract Balantidium coli is a protozoon that can cause dysentery in humans, pigs and nonhuman primates, with zoonotic potential. In the literature, there is still little information on the effectiveness of different laboratory techniques for diagnosing this disease. This study compared and evaluated the...