Results: 20

Dentifrícios branqueadores contendo Blue covarine: revisão de literatura

RFO UPF; 27 (1), 2023
Introdução: O efeito branqueador dos dentifrícios contendo Blue covarine é fundamentado no seu mecanismo de ação, caracterizado pela sua deposição na superfície dentária, alterando a percepção da cor. Objetivo: Revisar a literatura e buscar evidência científica sobre o efeito branqueador do...

Uso do fluoreto de sódio como dessensibilizante no clareamento dental: uma revisão de literatura

RFO UPF; 26 (2), 2021
Objetivo: Verificar, por meio de uma revisão de literatura, a efetividade do uso do fluoreto de sódio como dessensibilizante para casos de sensibilidade induzida por clareamento dental. Resultados: O clareamento dentário tornou-se um dos procedimentos estéticos mais procurados na odontologia. Atualme...

Análisis comparativo in vitro de la resistencia adhesiva al cizallamiento de brackets metálicos adheridos a superficies dentarias tratadas con diferentes agentes blanqueadores

RESUMEN: Objetivo: Evaluar y comparar el efecto de tres agentes blanqueadores en la resistencia adhesiva al cizallamiento de brackets metálicos. Método: Se cementaron 76 brackets en premolares humanos extraídos por indicación de ortodoncia. Se establecieron 4 grupos: (0) control, (1) esmalte tratado ...

Clinical Evaluation of 6-Month Efficacy of 40% in-Office Whitening Treatment

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the 6-month efficacy of natural tooth color change in in-office bleaching treatment in terms of time by using a spectrophotometer. Material and Methods: A total of 20 participants were chairside treated with 40% hydrogen peroxide (HP), three applications each 20 minutes, i...

Experimental gel containing bioactive glass-ceramic to minimize the pulp damage caused by dental bleaching in rats

J. appl. oral sci; 28 (), 2020
Abstract Objectives This study evaluated if the use of a bioactive glass-ceramic-based gel, named Biosilicate (BS), before, after or mixed with bleaching gel, could influence the inflammation of the dental pulp tissue of rats' molars undergoing dental bleaching with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Methodolo...

Do commercial whitening dentifrices increase enamel erosive tooth wear?

J. appl. oral sci; 28 (), 2020
Abstract Objective This in vitro study evaluated the effect of commercial whitening dentifrices on erosive tooth wear (ETW) of bovine enamel samples, in comparison with commercial regular dentifrices. Methodology Sixty bovine crowns were embedded in acrylic resin, polished and then had their baseline...

Effectiveness of over-the-counter tooth-whitening strips and toothbrushing for stain removal

RFO UPF; 24 (1), 2019
Objective: The present study compared the effectiveness of over-the-counter tooth-whitening strips and too-thbrushing for stain removal. Materials and method: Forty bovine teeth were subjected to initial color re-adings and divided into two groups: 20 teeth were stained with grape juice fo...

Effects of in-office bleaching agent combined with different desensitizing agents on enamel

J. appl. oral sci; 27 (), 2019
Abstract Objective: To analyze color change, microhardness and chemical composition of enamel bleached with in-office bleaching agent with different desensitizing application protocols. Materials and Methods: One hundred and seventeen polished anterior human enamel surfaces were obtained and randomly d...

Increased whitening efficacy and reduced cytotoxicity are achieved by the chemical activation of a highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide bleaching gel

J. appl. oral sci; 27 (), 2019
Abstract Objective This study was designed for the chemical activation of a 35% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) bleaching gel to increase its whitening effectiveness and reduce its toxicity. Methodology First, the bleaching gel - associated or not with ferrous sulfate (FS), manganese chloride (MC), peroxida...

Whitening toothpaste containing activated charcoal, blue covarine, hydrogen peroxide or microbeads: which one is the most effective?

J. appl. oral sci; 27 (), 2019
Abstract The efficacy of whitening toothpastes is questionable and controversial. Clinicians, patients and researchers have expressed concern with whitening toothpastes due to the risk of wearing the dental structure and the potential for disappointment if the advertised cosmetic results are not achieved...