Results: 3

P-I metalloproteinases and L-amino acid oxidases from Bothrops species inhibit angiogenesis

Snake venoms are composed of pharmacologically active proteins that are evolutionarily diverse, stable and specific to targets. Hence, venoms have been explored as a source of bioactive molecules in treating numerous diseases. Recent evidences suggest that snake venom proteins may affect the formation of...

In-depth transcriptome reveals the potential biotechnological application of Bothrops jararaca venom gland

Lack of complete genomic data of Bothrops jararaca impedes molecular biology research focusing on biotechnological applications of venom gland components. Identification of full-length coding regions of genes is crucial for the correct molecular cloning design. Methods: RNA was extracted from the venom ...

Caracterización bioquímica y biológica del veneno de la serpiente Neotropical Macagua (Bothrops Colombiensis) de la región de Barlovento, estado Miranda, Venezuela
Biological and biochemical characterization of the Neotropical Macagua (Bothrops colombiensis) snake venom from Barlovento region, Miranda state, Venezuela

Rev. cuba. med. trop; 67 (2), 2015
Introducción: el veneno de B. colombiensis no es solamente un elemento tóxico; en su composición existen múltiples componentes, que tienen un gran potencial terapéutico, principalmente en el tratamiento de patologías de la trombosis y la coagulación. Objetivos: estudiar una mezcla de venenos de Bo...