Results: 14

Idioventricular rhythm and shock after a honeybee sting

Arch. cardiol. Méx; 91 (2), 2021
Abstract Objective: The objective of this study was to describe the case of a 19-year-old male presenting with bradycardia and hypotension after a honeybee sting making a review of the literature and pathophysiology of the cardiovascular and electrocardiogram (EKG) changes after a bee sting. Methods: T...

Hypotension and bradycardia produced by transthoracic application of low-intensity ultrasound therapy in hearts of healthy rats - a preclinical study

Abstract Objective: To investigate the cardiovascular effects produced by transthoracic application of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound therapy (LIPUST). Methods: Three-month-old male Wistar rats (± 300 g, N=16) were randomly allocated in two groups, namely SHAM (control group, faked procedures) and US...

Implante de marcapasos transitorio en una terapia intensiva municipal
Implantation of temporary pacemaker in a municipal intensive care unit

Introducción: Las bradi-arritmias son cardiopatías graves que ocasionan trastornos hemodinámicos severos; llevar al paciente a un gasto cardiaco normal puede implicar que se implante un marcapasos. Objetivo: Describir algunos aspectos clínicos y epidemiológicos de pacientes que recibieron la téc...

Efficacy, Safety, and Performance of Isolated Left vs. Right Ventricular Pacing in Patients with Bradyarrhythmias: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Arq. bras. cardiol; 112 (4), 2019
Abstract Background: Considering the potential deleterious effects of right ventricular (RV) pacing, the hypothesis of this study is that isolated left ventricular (LV) pacing through the coronary sinus is safe and may provide better clinical and echocardiographic benefits to patients with bradyarrhyth...

Arritmias cardíacas na sala de emergência e UTI. Bradicardias: como identificar e tratar o paciente com baixa perfusão

O sistema cardiovascular é responsável pelo fluxo circulatório adequado, o qual depende do volume sistólico e frequência cardíaca (FC). Quando insuficientes, causa hipofluxo cerebral e incapacidade de realizar atividades. A bradicardia é causada por: a) disfunção sinusal, manifestada por FC inap...

Eficacia comparativa de la atropina, dosis distintas, en el control de bradicardia e hipotensión durante la anestesia. 2008-2009
Comparative efficacy of atropine, different doses, in the control of bradycardia e hipotension during anesthesia. 2008-2009

Rev. méd. panacea; 2 (1), 2012
Objetivo: Determinar si el uso de atropina pre-medicada a dosis de 0,005 mg/kg, es más eficaz en el control de Frecuencia Cardiaca (FC) y Presión Arterial Media (PAM), que el uso a dosis de 0,01 mg/kg, durante la anestesia. Material y métodos: Se realizó estudio experimental, tipo ensayo clínico...

Diretrizes para o implante de marcapasso cardíaco permanente
Guidelines for implantation of permanent cardiac pacemaker

Marcapasso cardíaco provisório
Provisory cardiac pacemaker

Com breve histórico de sua evoluçäo, o artigo aborda os vários tipos de estimulaçäo temporária cutâneo torácica, endocárdica e epicárdica. Descreve as indicaçöes de implante, as técnicas operatórias, os cuidados pós implante, as complicaçöes e suas resoluçöes. Comenta também as vanta...