Results: 5

Desiccation tolerance in the Antarctic moss Sanionia uncinata

Biol. Res; 52 (), 2019
BACKGROUND: One of the most extreme environments on our planet is the Maritime Antarctic territory, due to its low-water availability, which restricts the development of plants. Sanionia uncinata Hedw. (Amblystegiaceae), the main colonizer of the Maritime Antarctic, has effective mechanisms to tolerate t...

Heterologous protein production in the moss Physcomitrella patens

Over the last decades plants have been used for the heterologous production of pharmaceuticals, industrial enzymes and edible vaccines. The moss Physcomitrella patens is considered as an experimental model of choice for basic molecular, cytological and developmental questions in plant biology, as well as...

Physical factors contributing to the benthic dominance of the alga Caulerpa sertularioides (Caulerpaceae, Chlorophyta) in the upwelling Bahía Culebra, north Pacific of Costa Rica

Rev. biol. trop; 60 (supl.2), 2012
Caulerpa sertularioides has been spreading in Bahía Culebra, a seasonal upwelling bay in the north Pacific of Costa Rica, since 2001. The survey was carried out from December 2003 to March 2005, in several locations around Bahía Culebra, located inside the Gulf of Papagayo. This study investigated spat...

Helicophyllaceae (Bryophyta), nova ocorrência para o Estado do Pará, Brasil
Helicophyllaceae (Bryophyta), a new record to Pará State, Brazil

Acta amaz; 35 (3), 2005
Helicophyllaceae, família monotípica neotropical, é registrada pela primeira vez no Estado do Pará. Sua única espécie, Helicophyllum torquatum (Hook.) Brid., registrada anteriormente no Estado do Amazonas e que recentemente havia sido excluída da lista de musgos amazônicos, é apresentada como no...