Results: 4

Hemorragia Intracerebral Imprevisible en un Hombre Joven: La Importancia de la Tomografía computarizada craneal post-mortem

Med. leg. Costa Rica; 40 (2), 2023
La muerte súbita es aquella que ocurre dentro de las 24 horas posteriores al inicio de los síntomas y se caracteriza por ser clínicamente inexplicable, inesperada y repentina. Debido a la naturaleza de la muerte súbita, no es posible llegar a un diagnóstico preciso sin una autopsia. En esta comunica...

Anatomical variants of anterior cerebral arterial circle: a study by multidetector computerized 3D tomographic angiography

Int. j. morphol; 35 (3), 2017
One of the most common causes of stroke is rupture of aneurysms whose approach requires knowledge of anatomical variants. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of anatomical variants of the anterior cerebral artery (ACA) and the anterior communicating artery (AComA) by 3D computed tomogra...

The association of the circle of Willis anomaly and risk of stroke in patients with carotid artery disease

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 75 (7), 2017
ABSTRACT The circle of Willis is an important collateral system that maintains perfusion to the stenotic area from the contralateral carotid and basilar artery to the region of reduced brain perfusion. The aim of the present study was to compare the circle of Willis anomaly in patients with unilateral sy...