Results: 21

Negative association between 25-hydroxyvitamin D and inflammatory markers in rheumatologic diseases

Actual. osteol; 17 (1), 2021
Objective: The main purpose of this study was to evaluate serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) levels and its association with in"ammatory markers in patients with rheumatologic diseases (RD). Methods: A cross-sectional study in 154 women with RD (rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis and other connective...

Hipercalciuria idiopática ¿se pueden evitar los diuróticos?
Idiopathic hypercalciuria: can the diuretics be avoided?

Medicina (B.Aires); 79 (6), 2019
La hipercalciuria idiopática se define como la excreció;n de calcio superior a 220 y 300 mg/día en mujeres y hombres respectivamente o bien mayor a 4 mg/kg peso. En mujeres con osteoporosis se observa en el 19% de los casos, mientras que en litiasis renal varía entre el 50 y 70%. Seleccionamos 206 pa...

Effect of vitamin D supplementation on 24-hour urine calcium in patients with calcium Urolithiasis and vitamin D deficiency

Int. braz. j. urol; 45 (2), 2019
ABSTRACT Purpose: Hypercalciuria is one of the risk factors for calcium kidney stone formation (the most common type of urinary stones). Although vitamin D deficiency is prevalent among urolithiasis patients, the effect of vitamin D supplementation on urine calcium in these patients is still unclear. M...

Serum PTH reference values in an adult Brazilian population: implications for the diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism

ABSTRACT Objective: To define serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) reference values in carefully selected subjects following the recommended pre-analytical guidelines. Subjects and methods: First, 676 adults who would be submitted to thyroidectomy were evaluated. Patients using interfering medications or wi...

Seasonal variations in urinary calcium, volume, and vitamin D in kidney stone formers

Int. braz. j. urol; 44 (5), 2018
ABSTRACT Objectives: To investigate the seasonal variations in urinary calcium, serum vitamin D, and urinary volume in patients with a history of nephrolithiasis. Materials and Methods: Patients included were those who completed a 24-hour urine metabolic evaluation on two occasions; one in summer (June...

Effect of phyllanthus niruri on metabolic parameters of patients with kidney stone: a perspective for disease prevention

Int. braz. j. urol; 44 (4), 2018
ABSTRACT Phyllanthus niruri (P.niruri) or stone breaker is a plant commonly used to reduce stone risk, however, clinical studies on this issue are lacking. Objective: To prospectively evaluate the effect of P. niruri on the urinary metabolic parameters of patients with urinary lithiasis. Materials and ...

Índice calcio-creatinina en una muestra matutina de orina para la estimación de hipercalciuria asociada con hematuria no glomerular observada en las edades infanto-juveniles

Resumen Introducción: La hipercalciuria suele revelarse durante el diagnóstico diferencial de la hematuria que acompaña a la litiasis renal. La exactitud diagnóstica de la excreción urinaria de calcio puede afectarse por las insuficiencias asociadas con la colección de orina de 24 horas. En este ...

Metabolic investigation in patients with nephrolithiasis

Einstein (Säo Paulo); 15 (4), 2017
ABSTRACT: Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of metabolic disorders associated with nephrolithiasis in a female population. Methods: A retrospective study on 1,737 patients with evidence of recent formation of renal stones, being 54% females. The laboratory investigation consisted of at least two sa...

Bone turnover after bariatric surgery

ABSTRACT Objective The aim of the present study was to evaluate parameters of bone and mineral metabolism after bariatric surgery. Subjects and methods This sectional study included data from medical records from 61 bariatric surgery (BS) patients (minimum period of 6 months after the procedure) and ...

Hipercalcemia hipocalciurica familiar en una paciente con mutación del receptor de calcio: forma atípica de presentación y tratamiento con cinacalcet
Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia in a patient with calcium-sensing receptor mutation: atypical clinical presentation and treatment with cinacalcet

Actual. osteol; 13 (1), 2017
El hiperparatiroidismo familiar y la hipercalcemia hipocalciúrica familiar (HHF) constituyen un subgrupo heterogéneo de trastornos con herencia mendeliana, que representan en conjunto el 5% de las causas de hipercalcemia PTH dependiente. La HHF se asocia con mutaciones del gen del receptor sensor de ca...