RESUMO Introdução: A síndrome de Gorlin-Goltz, conhecida também como síndrome do Carcinoma Basocelular Nevóide, é um transtorno hereditário autossômico dominante de alta penetrância e expressividade variável. Foi primeiramente descrita por Jarisch em 1894 e, em 1960 Gorlin e Goltz relacionara...
Abstract Oculocutaneous albinism is an autosomal recessive disease caused by the complete absence or decrease of melanin biosynthesis in melanocytes. Due to the reduction or absence of melanin, albinos are highly susceptible to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and are at increased risk of act...
Abstract: Background: Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer. Although the literature provides a great deal of information on the recurrences of basal cell carcinoma, studies about these indices addressing only the cases in which flaps and/or grafts have been performed for surgical ...
Abstract BACKGROUND: Skin cancer is common in Brazil and is related to sun exposure, among other risk factors. There are no data on the incidence of malignant skin neoplasm in rural workers in western Paraná. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the incidence and profile of rural workers who were diagnosed with skin...
RESUMEN El carcinoma basocelular es un tumor maligno de origen epitelial, su crecimiento es lento y rara vez metastiza. Este puede producir destrucción local y comprometer extensas áreas de tejido, cartílago y hueso. Existen variantes clínicas e histológicas y constituye el cáncer más frecuente en...
Abstract: Background: Many factors are currently being identified as potential inductors of skin cancer in patients after a liver transplant, among them, immunosuppressive regimen. Objective: To study the factors that influence the incidence of skin cancer in patients after liver transplant. Methods: ...
Abstract: Background: Cancer is currently among the three leading causes of death after solid organ transplantation and its incidence is increasing. Non-melanoma skin cancer - squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma - is the most common malignancy found in kidney transplant recipients (KTRs). T...
El síndrome de Bazex-Dupré-Christol es una genodermatosis rara, caracterizada por la presencia de atrofodermia folicular, hipotricosis congénita, hipohidrosis y múltiples carcinomas basocelulares de aparición precoz. Se considera una condición preneoplásica que se hereda ligada al cromosoma X y cu...