Results: 3

Supervivencia prolongada luego de pequeñas dosis de terapia con radioyodo en metástasis cerebral de cáncer de tiroides

Medicina (B.Aires); 80 (5), 2020
Resumen El cáncer diferenciado de tiroides generalmente se acompaña de una supervivencia a largo plazo. Sin embargo, en algunos casos pueden desarrollarse metástasis a distancia y, entre ellas, las localizaciones cerebrales son de mal pronóstico. El objetivo de esta presentación es comunicar el caso...

Papillary thyroid microcarcinoma: characteristics at presentation, and evaluation of clinical and histological features associated with a worse prognosis in a Latin American cohort

ABSTRACT Objective We aimed to describe the presentation of papillary microcarcinoma (PTMC) and identify the clinical and histological features associated with persistence/recurrence in a Latin American cohort. Subjects and methods Retrospective study of PTMC patients who underwent total thyroidectomy,...

Thyroglobulin levels before radioactive iodine therapy and dynamic risk stratification after 1 year in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer

ABSTRACT Objectives: We sought to assess the relationship between stimulated thyroglobulin (sTg) before radioactive iodine therapy (RIT), and the dynamic risk stratification 1 year after treatment, and to establish the utility of the sTg as a predictor of response to therapy in these patients. A retrosp...