Results: 3

Performance mastigatória e impacto da saúde oral na qualidade de vida em pacientes reabilitados com prótese fixa implantossuportada com carga imediata
Masticatory performance and impact of oral health on quality of life in patients rehabilitated with implant-supported fixed prosthesis with immediate loading

O impacto da saúde oral na qualidade de vida (OHRQoL) dos pacientes através da substituição de próteses totais convencionais (PTC) por próteses fixas implantossuportadas (PFIS) ainda não está totalmente claro, devido à grande heterogeneidade metodológica. O objetivo desse ensaio clínico contro...

Accuracy of computer-guided surgery

Dental implant fixation techniques are widely studied in order to reduce surgical morbidity. Computer-guided flapless surgery has been considered an efficient alternative that presents several advantages and some limitations. This technique allows the virtual planning and simulation of the prosthetic-sur...

Stability of smooth and rough mini-implants: clinical and biomechanical evaluation - an in vivostudy

Objective: To compare in vivo orthodontic mini-implants (MI) of smooth (machined) and rough (acid etched) surfaces, assessing primary and secondary stability.Methods:Thirty-six (36) MI were inserted in the mandibles of six (6) dogs. Each animal received six (6) MI. In the right hemiarch, three (3) MI wit...