Objetivo: avaliar o potencial cariogênico de balas duras e mastigáveis e seu potencial desmineralizante em esmalte bovino. Métodos: foram selecionadas 30 balas de diferentes marcas, divididas em balas duras (n=11), Tic Tac®, Halls® e IceKiss®, e balas mastigáveis (n=19), Lílith®, Azedinha®, Men...
Objetivo: mensurar o potencial erosivo de gomas de mascar não convencionais disponíveis no mercado brasileiro. Material e método: estudo experimental (in vitro) de caráter quantitativo. Foram adquiridos oito sabores de gomas de mascar: Poosh® (pinta língua); Plutonita® (abraço conge...
Abstract: Orthodontic bonding systems are submitted to demineralization and remineralization dynamics that might compromise their surface smoothness, and favor biofilm aggregation and caries development. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of a cariogenic challenge model (in vitro pH...
Abstract This study investigated the effect of human milk, alone and associated with sucrose, in the cariogenicity of biofilms in a microcosm biofilm model and compared with the cariogenicity of sucrose and bovine milk. Microcosm biofilms were grown in enamel discs in 24-well plates. Six growth condition...
Abstract Sucrose is the most cariogenic dietary carbohydrate and starch is considered non-cariogenic for enamel and moderately cariogenic for dentine. However, the cariogenicity of the combination of starch and sucrose remains unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of this combination ...