Trophic structure of fish assemblages is one of the most sensitive indicators of changes in streams environments. Since it is crucial to understand the response of trophic groups to habitat alteration, our study aimed to address this research gap by assessing the influence of substrate composition, meso-...
O presente estudo investigou a ocorrência de Cryptosporidium spp. e Giardia spp. em diferentes espécimes silvestres da ordem Carnívora de vida livre e de cativeiro procedentes de municípios do Estado do Pará. Coletou-se amostras fecais de 37 animais distintos (quatro de vida livre e 33 de cativeiro)...
Resumen Las interacciones interespecíficas entre especies de mesocarnívoros tropicales han sido poco estudiadas, a pesar de tener implicaciones importantes en la supervivencia, estructura, demografía, y distribución de estas especies. En este estudio se analizaron las interacciones espacio-temporales...
The occurrence of antibodies against canine distemper virus (CDV), parvovirus and Ehrlichia spp. in wild captive carnivores was evaluated in a zoological park in midwestern Brazil. Serum samples were collected between 2007 and 2014 from 45 carnivores. Antibodies were evaluated by virus neutralization ass...
Resumen El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivos 1) Describir la estructura de la comunidad de peces de arrecife de la Isla del Caño y 2) Completar una lista de las especies de peces costeros registrados hasta el día de hoy. Para el primer objetivo, se realizaron 50 censos de cilindro en 10 lugares alre...
Procyon cancrivorus is a wild mammal from the Procyonidae family, being one of the least studied Brazilian carnivores. The aim of this study was to describe the morphological aspects of the salivary glands of Procyon cancrivorus, and to compare with literature data on the morphology of domestic animals a...