Results: 3

Uso do bioensaio com Allium cepa L. e análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas para avaliação da qualidade do Rio da Ilha, RS, Brasil

Acta toxicol. argent; 24 (2), 2016
O estudo avalia a toxicidade, citotoxicidade, genotoxicidade e análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas de amostras de águas coletadas em dois pontos (nascente e foz) do Rio da Ilha - um dos principais afluentes do Rio dos Sinos, RS, Brasil - em dois períodos: inverno (2014) e verão (2015), atra...

Cytotoxicity of Cheese and Cheddar Cheese food flavorings on Allim cepa L root meristems

Braz. j. biol; 76 (2), 2016
Abstract Despite their great importance for the food industry, flavorings, in general, raise a number of questions regarding their cytotoxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity, since, in the literature, there are few studies found evaluating the toxicity on the systemic and cellular level, of these che...

Antimitotic and antimutagenic action of the Hymenaea stigonocarpa bark on dividing cells

Braz. j. biol; 76 (2), 2016
Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the action of Hymenaea stigonocarpa bark hydroalcoholic extract against a mutagenic compound using A. cepa meristematic root cells as a test system. The treatment groups were: Negative Control (NC) – distilled water; Positive Control (PC) –...