Results: 3

Analysis of solar photovoltaic energy potential in Brazilian hydroelectric reservoirs through floating panels

Braz. arch. biol. technol; 62 (spe), 2019
Abstract Sustainability, a concept used to exploit natural resources without harming future generations, is being applied to power generation. In Brazil, the main source of electric energy comes from hydroelectric plants, due to abundant water resources. However, the implementation of these plants causes...

Effects of reservoirs water level variations on fish recruitment

Neotrop. ichthyol; 15 (3), 2017
The construction of hydroelectric power plants has many social and environmental impacts. Among them, the impacts on fish communities, which habitats are drastically modified by dams, with consequences across the ecosystem. This study aimed to assess the influence of water level (WL) variations in the re...

Distribución espacial de las especies de mangle y su asociación con los tipos de sedimentos del sustrato, en el sector estuarino del Humedal Nacional Térraba-Sierpe, Costa Rica

Rev. biol. trop; 63 (supl.1), 2015
Resumen Se describe la composición florística del manglar y la distribución espacial de las principales especies de mangle y otras especies vegetales asociadas, presentes en el sector estuarino del Humedal Nacional Térraba-Sierpe, mediante el levantamiento de campo de 1 127 puntos y 77 parcelas de mu...