Results: 51

Libres de humo: efectividad de un programa de cesación tabáquica en un Centro de Salud Comunitario de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Smoke-free: effectiveness of a smoking cessation program in a Community Health Center of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

Introducción. El consumo de tabaco representa un importante desafío para la salud pública debido a su alta incidencia y mortalidad, y es el principal factor de riesgo modificable para desarrollar enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. La Residencia de Medicina General y Familiar del Hospital General...

Consejería breve para cesación del consumo de tabaco como estrategia de elección por profesionales de Atención Primaria de Salud de la comuna de Peñalolén

INTRODUCCIÓN: El tabaquismo es una de las pandemias que afecta en mayor proporción a la población mundial. Una de las medidas para controlarlo es la aplicación de consejerías de cesación tabáquica (CCT). OBJETIVO: Determinar y evaluar la técnica de CCT más empleada por profesionales de APS de P...

Investigating gender differences for effectiveness and side effects of varenicline during smoking cessation treatment

SUMMARY Varenicline is a useful pharmacological option for smoking cessation. Unfortunately, there is a lack of studies on its effectiveness, retention, and side effects in low- and middle-income countries. The present study aimed to investigate gender differences regarding these outcomes in a Brazilian ...

Group Prenatal Care in Mexico: perspectives and experiences of health personnel

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: Identify barriers and facilitators to implementing the Group Prenatal Care model in Mexico (GPC) from the health care personnel's perspective. METHODS: We carried out a qualitative descriptive study in four clinics of the Ministry of Health in two states of Mexico (Morelos and Hidal...

Motivation and difficulties to reduce or quit smoking

ABSTRACT Objective: To understand what factors motivate people to reduce or stop tobacco use and what difficulties they face in this process. Method: Qualitative, empirical and interpretative research that used a focal group technique for data collection and Discourse Analysis as a theoretical referenc...

A proibição dos cigarros eletrônicos no Brasil: sucesso ou fracasso?

Resumo O Brasil foi um dos primeiros países do mundo a proibir os Dispositivos Eletrônicos de Fumar (DEFs), tal proibição foi motivada pela inexistência de evidências relativas às alegadas propriedades terapêuticas e da inocuidade destes produtos. Por conta de tal proibição, A Anvisa foi critic...

Nursing approach to tobacco users in primary health care

ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the experience of nurses in the approach to tobacco users in primary health care services. Method: Qualitative, phenomenological research with 15 nurses who were interviewed between January and March 2017. Their speeches were analyzed and classified into categories. R...

Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices, Perceptions and Expectations of Clients Attending a Primary Care Based Tobacco Cessation Clinic in Trinidad

West Indian med. j; 68 (2), 2019
ABSTRACT Objectives: The study aimed to determine the demographics of the clients attending a primary care based tobacco cessation clinic, examine the characteristics regarding current tobacco use among clinic attendees, identify the methods associated with previous successful quit attempts and attitude...