Results: 4

Vectores de fuerza generados con microimplantes en la retrusión en masa del sector anterosuperior
Force vectors generated by microimplants in the mass retrusion of the anterosuperior sector

La incorporación de los microimplantes a la ortodoncia revoluciona la mecánica de cierre de espacios por deslizamiento, ya que mejora sus dos puntos “débiles”: el anclaje y el control dentario tridimensional. El propósito de este trabajo es determinar los vectores de fuerza y el tipo de movimient...

Stability of first and second premolars extraction space closure

Premolars are the most commonly extracted teeth to provide space to correct crowding and excessive labial protrusion. After treatment, the extraction spaces have to remain closed. Nevertheless, several studies have shown that there is a tendency for some relapse even in patients finished with an adequate...

Frictionless segmented mechanics for controlled space closure

ABSTRACT Extraction spaces may be needed to achieve specific orthodontic goals of positioning the dentition in harmony with the craniofacial complex. However, the fundamental reality that determines the occlusion final position is the control exerted by the orthodontist while closing the extraction space...

Understanding the basis of space closure in Orthodontics for a more efficient orthodontic treatment

ABSTRACT Introduction: Space closure is one of the most challenging processes in Orthodontics and requires a solid comprehension of biomechanics in order to avoid undesirable side effects. Understanding the biomechanical basis of space closure better enables clinicians to determine anchorage and treatme...