ABSTRACT Introduction: 46,XX Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) remains the first cause of genital virilization and current surgical techniques aim to restore female aspect of genitalia while preserving dorsal neurovascular bundle but not at the expense of not preserving erectile tissue. We aim to rep...
Introdução: Primeira colocada entre as mais procuradas
cirurgias plásticas genitais, a ninfoplastia ou labioplastia
visa a correção da hipertrofia dos pequenos lábios vaginais
e prepúcio, retirando seu excesso, sem interferir na sua
função de proteção da vagina e auxílio na lubrificação gen...
BACKGROUND: Hypertrophy of the labia minora is a functional and esthetic problem that can have a significant impact on quality of life. Current surgical procedures are based on the excision of excess tissue and reconnection of the edges. However, anatomical alterations associated with labial hypertrophy ...