Results: 2

Vitamin D in pregnant women from extreme areas of latitude: review from midwifery

Insufficient vitamin D levels occur in 88.1% of the worlds population, which constitutes a global public health problem. We analyzed vitamin D deficiency and suggested vitamin D supplementation in the perinatal health of pregnant women living in geographical areas higher than 40° south-north latitude ac...

Análisis de eventos fríos y cálidos por medio de datos de buceo: un enfoque de ciencia ciudadana en el Golfo de Papagayo, Costa Rica

Rev. biol. trop; 69 (supl. 2), 2021
Introduction: In January 2011 and as a Citizen Science initiative, the owners of the Deep Blue Diving Shop in Playa del Coco, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, began to collect daily temperature data in the seawater column during their diving activities, to inform tourists before traveling to Costa Rica and help t...