Results: 4

A SERM increasing the expression of the osteoblastogenesis and mineralization-related proteins and improving quality of bone tissue in an experimental model of osteoporosis

J. appl. oral sci; 26 (), 2018
Abstract Raloxifene is an antiresorptive drug, selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) used in the treatment of osteoporosis. Objective To evaluate proteins related to bone repair at the peri-implant bone in a rat model of osteoporosis treated with raloxifene. Material and Methods 72 rats were div...

Using agents that suppress bone remodeling to treat or prevent joint disease: quo vadis?

Actual. osteol; 12 (3), 2016
Treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) with antiremodeling agents has had a mixed record of results. It is likely that remodeling suppression is only effective when used in the early phases of OA, before significant progression. Animal and human studies largely bear this out. Treatment of young mice with a RAN...

Raloxifene neutralizes bone brittleness induced by anti-remodeling treatment and increases fatigue life through non-cell mediated mechanisms

Actual. osteol; 12 (3), 2016
Pre-clinical data have shown that tissue level effects stemming from bisphosphonateinduced suppression of bone remodeling can result in bone that is stronger yet more brittle. Raloxifene has been shown to reduce bone brittleness through non-cellular mechanisms. The goal of this work was to test the hypot...

Raloxifeno e Osteoporose: revisäo de um novo modulador seletivo do receptor de estrógeno
Raloxifene and osteoporosis: review of the new selective estrogen receptor modulator

Raloxifeno é um modulador seletivo do receptor de estrógeno de segunda geração com ação agonista no osso e sistema cardiovascular e ação antagonista na mama e útero. Sua seletividade tecidual ocorre devido a diversos mecanismos como diferentes receptores de estrógenos, distribuição diferencia...