Results: 2

Primum non nocere - Are chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine safe prophylactic/treatment options for SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19)?

ABSTRACT Chloroquine (CQ) and its analog hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were recently included in several clinical trials as potential prophylactic and therapeutic options for SARS-COV-2 infection/covid-19. However, drug effectiveness in preventing, treating, or slowing the progression of the disease is still ...

Reacciones agudas del fosfato de cloroquina al inicio de quimioprofilaxis antipalúdica
Acute reactions to chloroquine phosphate at the beginning of antimalaria chemoprophylaxis

Rev. sanid. mil; 46 (1), 1992
El fosfato de cloroquina se usa en el tratamiento y la quimioprofilaxis del paludismo. Las reacciones secundarias agudas y crónicas obstruyen su utilización adecuada. Se analizaron los efectos agudos en 972 elementos militares que participaron en la fuerza de tarea Marte XVI en el área de Sinaloa, Dur...