Results: 9

Management of Supracondylar Humeral Fracture in Children

Abstract Supracondylar humeral fracture represents ~ 3 to 15% of all fractures in children. It is the fracture that most requires surgical treatment in the pediatric population. Advances in treatment and care have contributed to a reduction in the most dramatic complication: Volkmann ischemic contracture...

The improvement of pca algorithm and its application in the prediction of elbow knee joint injury

Rev. bras. med. esporte; 27 (5), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: There were many constraints produced by training time and joint injury to analyze the influence of the training intensity on the elbow and knee joints of athletes during the training process. Methods: An improved algorithm-based master component analysis (PCA) modeling method is pro...

Articular and cutaneous nerve block at elbow: two cases report

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 70 (4), 2020
Abstract Background and objectives: In patients with elbow fractures, when there is suspected injury to underlying nerves, it is imperative for surgeons to elicit the function in the immediate postoperative period. Brachial plexus blocks like interscalene, supraclavicular and infraclavicular approaches ...

Lesión complejo ligamentario interno del codo por valgo forzado sin luxación previa
Internal ligament complex elbow injury without previous dislocation

Se presenta el reporte de un caso de un paciente que consulta por dolor e inestabilidad de codo izquierdo tras un traumatismo directo realizando práctica deportiva. En el examen físico se constata bostezo medial de más de 4 mm tras maniobras de stress. Los estudios por imágenes informan avulsión del...

Reconstruction of the distal biceps tendon using semitendinosus grafting: Description of the technique

ABSTRACT Distal ruptures of the biceps are rare when compared to proximal ruptures, with a different epidemiology and mechanism of trauma. There is no exact pathophysiology, though the hypovascular distal insertion and the mechanical impact during movement should be considered important factors. The surg...

Terrible triad of the elbow: evaluation of surgical treatment

ABSTRACT Objective: This study aims at analyzing retrospectively the clinical-functional and radiographic results of surgical treatment of the terrible elbow triad, with at least 12 months of postoperative follow-up evaluating elbow function. Methods: A group of patients for retrospective analysis from...

Reconstrução de úmero e reanimação do cotovelo com retalho osteomiocutâneo da escápula: relato de caso

Rev. bras. cir. plást; 33 (1), 2018
Introdução: No presente trabalho, relatamos um caso de reconstrução do terço proximal do úmero direito e reanimação do cotovelo de um paciente masculino, de 20 anos, vítima de acidente automobilístico, com necrose óssea de 5 cm no terço proximal do úmero e avulsão do bíceps braquial. Méto...

Reconstrucción de la pérdida cutánea del codo y del pliege del codo
Reconstruction of the skin loss of the elbow and elbow fold

Rev. chil. cir; 52 (4), 2000
Se operó a nueve pacientes con 19 lesiones del pliegue del codo y del codo propiamente tal, entre 1990 y 1999. Seis lesiones del pliegue y 4 del codo correspondieron a secuelas de quemaduras retráctiles y en un muñón de amputación de brazo. Las lesiones del codo fueron 4 exposiciones ósea de olécr...

Por qué las fracturas de los codos en los niños, cuando se detectan en etapas tardías no se deben operar
Why elbow fractures in children must not be operated on when diagnosed lately

Las fracturas de los codos en los niños, revisten un especial interés, pues representan una dificultad técnica para su reducción ya sea en forma cerrada o abierta; además, pueden dejar importantes secuelas. Se atendieron a 14 pacientes cuyas edades fluctuaron entre 5 y 13 años, quienes presentaron ...