Results: 73

Sobrevida post instalación de gastrostomía: experiencia de un centro terciario

Gastroenterol. latinoam; 35 (1), 2024
Introduction: Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) is one of the preferred methods for providing enteral feeding to patients whose oral intake nutrition is not feasible. There is limited evidence regarding post- PEG survival. Our primary objective is to evaluate long-term survival and identify main ...

Hospital volume, postoperative mortality, and costs after gastrectomy for gastric cancer in colombia: is there any association?

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: There are no information in the literature associating the volume of gastrectomies with survival and costs for the health system in the treatment of patients with gastric cancer in Colombia. AIMS: The aim of this study was to analyze how gastrectomy for gastric cancer is associated...

Membrana de circulación extracorpórea veno-arterial para ablación de tormenta eléctrica en shock cardiogénico: caso clínico

Rev. chil. cardiol; 41 (1), 2022
RESUMEN: Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente que presenta un infarto del miocardio con trombolisis no exitosa y posterior implantación de 2 stents coronarios quien desarrolla, algunos días después, una tormenta eléctrica ventricular. Una ablación de la taquicardia se realizó bajo ECMO, con ...

Valor pronóstico del sistema de calificación APACHE II en el postoperatorio de cirugía cardíaca

Arch. cardiol. Méx; 90 (4), 2020
Resumen Antecedentes y objetivos: El sistema de calificación APACHE II permite predecir la mortalidad intrahospitalaria en terapia intensiva. Sin embargo, no está validado para cirugía cardíaca, ya que no posee buena capacidad diferenciadora. El objetivo es determinar el valor pronóstico de APACHE ...

Body mass index is associated with low postoperative cardiac output in patients undergoing aortic valve replacement

Arch. cardiol. Méx; 90 (4), 2020
Abstract Background: Overweight and obesity (O/O) generate lipotoxicity of the cardiac fiber and increase the incidence and progression of aortic valve stenosis. The low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) is a timing complication after to aortic valve replacement (AVR) surgery. Objective: The objective of ...

Epidemiology of perioperative cardiac arrest and mortality in Brazil: a systematic review

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 70 (2), 2020
Abstract Background and objectives: The perioperative cardiac arrest (CA) and mortality rates in Brazil, a developing country, are higher than in developed countries. The hypothesis of this review was that knowledge of the epidemiology of perioperative CA and mortality in Brazil enables the comparison w...

Morbidade e mortalidade no fechamento de estomas: revisão de 10 anos

Clin. biomed. res; 40 (1), 2020
Introdução: O fechamento de estomas, embora rotineiramente performado, ainda não pode ser considerado um procedimento simples. Nós reportamos, desta forma, a morbidade, mortalidade e fatores de riscos associados a este procedimento em um período de dez anos. Métodos: Revisão retrospectiva de 252 p...

Perioperative complications and mortality in elderly patients following surgery for femoral fracture: prospective observational study

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 69 (6), 2019
Abstract Background and objectives: Perioperative management of femoral fractures in elderly patients has been studied to determine modifiable causes of complications and death. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mortality rate and its causes in the elderly population with FF. We also evaluated p...

Coronary artery bypass graft surgery improves survival without increasing the risk of stroke in patients with ischemic heart failure in comparison to percutaneous coronary intervention: a meta-analysis with 54, 173 patients

Abstract Objective: To evaluate whether there is any difference on the results of patients treated with coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the setting of ischemic heart failure (HF). Methods: Databases (MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Controlled Trials Regis...

Trasplante hepático: evolución, curva de aprendizaje y resultados después de los primeros 300 casos

Rev. méd. Chile; 147 (8), 2019
Background: Liver transplantation (LT) is an option for people with liver failure who cannot be cured with other therapies and for some people with liver cancer. Aim: To describe, and analyze the first 300 LT clinical results, and to establish our learning curve. Material and Methods: Retrospective coh...