Results: 3

Osteocondromatosis sinovial de rodilla: una causa infrecuente de gonalgia en edad pediátrica

Arch. argent. pediatr; 118 (1), 2020
La osteocondromatosis sinovial es una metaplasia benigna de la membrana sinovial que afecta a 1 de cada 100 000 personas, en su mayoría adultos, y es extremadamente infrecuente en edad pediátrica. Predomina en grandes articulaciones, sobre todo la rodilla, y la sintomatología es, por lo general...

Extensive Synovial Chondromatosis Involving All Flexor Tendons in the Tarsal Tunnel: A Case Report

Abstract Synovial chondromatosis is a rare condition characterized by benign chondrogenic metaplasia of extra-articular synovial tissue. It usually affects a single tendon sheath of the hand or foot. This report describes a rare case with extensive synovial chondromatosis affecting all flexor tendons in ...

Bilateral symmetrical synovial chondromatosis of shoulder: a case report

ABSTRACT Synovial chondromatosis is a benign arthropathy rarely seen in diarthrodial joints. Extra-articular bilateral symmetrical synovial chondromatosis of shoulder is the rarest variety. The diagnosis is established with the help of imaging modalities and histopathological examinations. This report de...