Results: 8

Perinatal exposure to an aromatase inhibitor glyphosate-base herbicide reduced male and female social behavior in juvenile age and the sexual behavior at adult female rats

Objectives: The herbicide glyphosate, a pesticide used in agriculture to control weeds, both in food crops and in other agricultural areas, has been identified as an endocrine modulator through the inhibition of aromatase activity and the activation of estrogen rece...

The peculiar breeding biology of the Amazonian frog Allobates subfolionidificans (Aromobatidae)

An. acad. bras. ciênc; 89 (2), 2017
ABSTRACT Allobates subfolionidificans is a vulnerable and endemic leaf-litter frog from the state of Acre, Brazilian Amazonia. We monitored a population of A. subfolionidificans through regular censuses and mark-recapture of 181 individuals during an entire breeding season to characterize its reproductiv...

Ecología de la anidación de Crocodylus acutus (Reptilia: Crocodylidae) en Bahía Portete, La Guajira, Colombia

Rev. biol. trop; 65 (1), 2017
ResumenEn Colombia, C. acutus se encuentra catalogada en peligro crítico. Durante julio 2007, agosto 2008, junio y agosto 2009 y entre marzo y agosto 2010 y 2011, la población en Bahía Portete fue estudiada para evaluar la anidación y obtener la información necesaria para el ajuste de un programa de...

Profile of plasmatic progesterone on pregnancy, and the postpartum estrus of Dasyprocta prymnolopha (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae)

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (4), 2016
Abstract:The agouti (Dasyprocta sp.) is a hystricomorph rodent found in some regions of the Americas. It is an important cynegetic species, which indicates that the overhunting is a threat to their conservation. Very little is known about this wildlife in relation to what already has been studied in dome...

Selection of prey to improve biological parameters of the predator Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas, 1851) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in laboratory conditions

Braz. j. biol; 76 (2), 2016
Abstract Mass production of predatory stinkbugs in the laboratory is prioritized to release them into the field as part of IPM programs. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify the best prey for rearing the predator Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas, 1851) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) among five differen...

Biological aspects and mating behavior of Leucothyreus albopilosus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (2), 2016
AbstractThe genus Leucothyreus has been linked to some commercial plant crop pests. Eventhough several species have been described for this genus, information about this group is still scarce. This study investigated some biological aspects and mating behavior in Leucothyreus albopilosus. Studies were co...

Reproductive system, mating behavior and basic ecology of an extremely rare tropical snail: Drymaeus tripictus (Stylommatophora: Bulimulidae)

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (1), 2016
Abstract Very little is known about the ecology and biology of Drymaeus tripictus, an extremely rare and endemic land snail species from Costa Rican highlands. I studied the ecology and reproductive biology of D. tripictus from April 2009 through June 2010 in an old forest, a young forest and a Cupressus...

Genitalic stridulation during copulation in a species of crane fly, Tipula (Bellardina) sp. (Diptera: Tipulidae)

Rev. biol. trop; 57 (supl.1), 2009
The male genitalia of many animal groups have elaborate and species-specific forms. One hypothesis  to explain why this is so is that male genitalia function as stimulatory devices that are under sexual selection by cryptic female choice. This report is based on a videotaped observation of a single male...