Results: 39

Assessment of mycoplasma vaccine efficacy in reducing infection with Newcastle disease virus

The present work recorded the impact of using Mycoplasma gallisepticum vaccines on post-vaccinal response and protection against challenge with Newcastle disease virus. Specific pathogen-free chickens were divided into eight groups of forty chickens each. Group G1 was vaccinated with Mycoplasma gallisept...

Postharvest conservation of Formosa ‘Tainung 1’ papaya under refrigeration, modified atmosphere, and chitosan

The objective of this work is to evaluate the use of modified atmosphere and chitosan as an alternative to chemical treatment in postharvest conservation of ‘Tainung 1’ papaya under refrigeration. The experiment comprised of completely randomized blocks with four replications, one fruit per replicati...

Drying and storage of Melanoxylon brauna Schott. seeds

Braz. j. biol; 81 (2), 2021
The objective of this work was to evaluate the sensitivity of Melanoxylon brauna Schott. tree legume seeds to desiccation and storage. In the drying experiment, the Melanoxylon brauna seeds were submitted to two drying conditions: a forced air circulation chamber (40.18 °C ± 0.13 and 28.48% ± 3.95 RH)...

Study of the effects of freezing process on nutritional value of 17 fish species marketed in São Paulo State, Brazil

Freezing is an important strategy to keep fish quality and make the species available the whole year. Its effects on the nutritional value of 17 fish species were studied in samples of entire fish, fillets or pieces. One portion of homogenized flesh was analyzed just after purchase (fresh sample). Th...

Application of Films Based on Chitosan and Xanthan Gum in Refrigerated Fish Conservation

Abstract This research aims to determine the efficiency of chitosan and xanthan gum films in conservation of croaker fillets kept in refrigeration for 9 days. Proximal composition, loss of mass, color, pH, TVB-N (Total Volatile Bases) and microbiological profile were assessed. The films were prepared wit...

Study on assessment of proximate composition and meat quality of fresh and stored Clarias gariepinus and Cyprinus carpio

Braz. j. biol; 79 (4), 2019
Abstract The organoleptic evaluation and proximate analysis of Clarias gariepinus and Cyprinus carpio were determined in fresh fish and when refrigerated at two different temperatures (-21 °C and 4 °C) for a period of six weeks. A panel of twelve trained judges evaluated the color (live), texture, sof...

Different effects of heating and freezing treatments on the antioxidant properties of broccoli, cauliflower, garlic and onion. An experimental in vitro study

Säo Paulo med. j; 137 (5), 2019
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Vegetables have some beneficial effects on human health due to their antioxidant compounds, like polyphenols. Cooking leads to many physical and chemical changes to plant structure that can alter the phytochemical compounds of vegetables. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effects of...

Antifungal activity of nanoemulsions encapsulating oregano (Origanum vulgare) essential oil: in vitro study and application in Minas Padrão cheese

Braz. j. microbiol; 49 (4), 2018
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the antifungal activity of nanoemulsions encapsulating essential oil of oregano (Origanum vulgare), both in vitro and after application on Minas Padrão cheese. Nanodispersions were obtained by the phase inversion temperature method. Cladosporium sp., ...

A prática na manipulação de alimentos em duas feiras livres de Belém, PA
The food manufacturing practices at two free trade shows in Belem, PA

Hig. aliment; 32 (276/277), 2018
Estudo realizadonas feiras livres do Guamá e do Ver-o-Peso, na cidade de Belém-Pará,com o objetivo de verificar boas práticas de manipulação de alimentos e a estrutura dos pontos de venda. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em instrumento estruturado com base em resoluções sanitárias brasileiras ...

Pesquisa de Listeria monocytogenes e Vibrio parahaemolyticus em amostras de pescada amarela (Cynoscion acoupa) comercializadas na cidade de São Luís, MA
Search of Listeria monocytogenes and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in samples of fish (Cynoscion acoupa) marketed in the city of Sao Luis, MA

Hig. aliment; 32 (276/277), 2018
O aumento no consumo de pescados devido a mudanças nas dietas alimentares fez com que a pescada amarela (Cynoscion acoupa) se tornasse uma das espécies mais consumidas no Maranhão. Apesar dos benefícios nutricionais, esse consumo traz consigo riscos à saúde pública quando ocorre contaminação. O ...