Results: 22

Caracterização de cereja-do-rio grande (Eugenia involucrata DC. ) e grumixama (Eugenia brasiliensis LAM. ), frutos nativos da Mata Atlântica, quanto a compostos voláteis e precursores

Mesmo reduzida e fragmentada, o vasto bioma da Mata Atlântica abriga milhares de plantas. Como destaque, tem-se as espécies frutíferas, aos quais podem ser atribuídas um importante valor para a segurança alimentar, nutricional e sociocultural. Entre elas, têm-se a cereja-do-rio grande (Eugenia invo...

El compostaje de cáscara de Musa paradisiaca L. para la producción de biogás y biometano como estrategia de preservación de la salud ambiental

A medida que a se avanza en el siglo XXI, los sistemas de energía deben alejarse de los combustibles fósiles y aumentar la capacidad de las energías renovables si se quieren cumplir los objetivos de temperaturas máximas del Acuerdo de París. Sin embargo, debido a los desafíos en la adopción de tec...

Baseline growth of the Trinidad freshwater crab Poppiana dentata (Randall, 1840) under laboratory conditions

Braz. j. biol; 81 (2), 2021
Poppiana dentata (Randall, 1840) is widely distributed throughout riverine habitats in Trinidad. However, there is a scarcity of information on the biology of this species. This study provides the first baseline examination that describes growth aspects for P. dentata. Juvenile crabs were obtained from b...

Fenología reproductiva de Prunus lundelliana Standl. (Rosaceae), un árbol en peligro de extinción con potencial para restaurar bosques nubosos de Mesoamérica

Cienc. tecnol. salud; 8 (1), 2021
La fenología estudia los cambios estacionales en los ciclos de vida de los organismos. Una utilidad de la fenología, es que permite establecer periodos en que se pueden colectar semillas para programas de restauración ecológica. Por lo que, de abril de 2017 a mayo de 2019, en el volcán Tacaná, San ...

Effectiveness of two treatments to promote tree regeneration: implications for forest restoration in the Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica

Rev. biol. trop; 68 (supl 2), 2020
Introduction: Isla del Coco is the only island in the Eastern Tropical Pacific with humid tropical forests; 296 plant species are reported, of them, 22% are endemic. Their ecology is poorly understood. Deforestation and the introduction of rats, feral pigs and white-tailed deer are the primary agents of ...

Soil Microbiological Attributes Under Ecological Restoration Technologies in Subtropical Forest

Braz. arch. biol. technol; 63 (spe), 2020
Abstract To accelerate the recovery of degraded environments, it is necessary to use ecological restoration techniques, which require validation according to the ecosystem conditions where are implemented. This work aimed to evaluate soil microbiological attributes under different ecological restoration ...

A call-to-action for sustainability in dialysis in Brazil

J. bras. nefrol; 41 (4), 2019
ABSTRACT Human-induced climate change has been an increasing concern in recent years. Nephrology, especially in the dialysis setting, has significant negative environmental impact worldwide, as it uses large amounts of water and energy and generates thousands of tons of waste. While our activities make u...

An overview of the applicability of functional diversity in Biological Conservation

Braz. j. biol; 78 (3), 2018
Abstract Functional diversity is increasingly pointed as a useful approach to reach Biological Conservation goals. Here, we provide an overview of the functional diversity approach status in the Biological Conservation field. We sought for peer-reviewed papers published over a period of twenty years (fro...