Results: 19

Morphological and Functional Analysis of Cardiac Ameliorations in Elderly Rats Supplemented with a Magnolol Extract Complex

Int. j. morphol; 41 (3), 2023
SUMMARY: Magnolia bark extract supplementation has an anti-oxidative role in mammalians. However, its role in physiological aged-associated heart insufficiency is not known yet. Therefore, we investigated the effects of a magnolia bark complex, including magnolol and honokiol components (MAHOC), in elder...

Microcirculatory changes as a hallmark of aging in the heart and kidney

Int. j. morphol; 41 (2), 2023
SUMMARY: Changes in the microcirculation of multiple tissues and organs have been implicated as a possible mechanism in physiological aging. In particular, vascular endothelial growth factor is a secretory protein responsible for regulating angiogenesis via altering endothelial proliferation, survival, m...

Is the Wistar Rat a more Suitable Normotensive Control for SHR to Test Blood Pressure and Cardiac Structure and Function?

Abstract Background: There are divergences in the literature regarding the experimental model (Wistar-WIS or Wistar Kyoto-WKY) to be used as a Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat (SHR) control. The characterization of these models in terms of cardiovascular parameters provides researchers with important tool...

Estratificação de Risco e Avaliação da Atividade Simpática Cardíaca Utilizando Imagem Miocárdica com [123I] MIBG na Denervação Renal

Arq. bras. cardiol; 118 (2), 2022
Resumo A hiperativação do sistema nervoso simpático desempenha um papel central na fisiopatologia da hipertensão. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade simpática cardíaca e investigar o papel da cintigrafia miocárdica com metaiodobenzilguanidina com 123I ([123I] MIBG) na estratificação...

Effects of concurrent training and intermittent fasting on structural, functional, and morphological parameters of the heart

Int. j. morphol; 39 (4), 2021
SUMMARY: Intermittent fasting and concurrent training have been performed frequently to decrease body mass. The aim was to analyze the effects of concurrent training (CT) and intermittent fasting (IF) on cardiac remodeling. In total, 39 adult male Wistar rats were used, divided into four groups: control ...

Trascendencia de los exosomas en la cardiología: heraldos de la cardioprotección

Arch. cardiol. Méx; 91 (1), 2021
Resumen Los exosomas tienen un papel clave en la comunicación intercelular. Debido a sus múltiples interacciones, estas estructuras cumplen con el papel de «mensajeros» de forma dinámica, transportando su contenido a células blanco específicas y generando nuevas señales celulares. En este artícu...

Efeitos ecocardiográficos da adesão a exercícios físicos em idosos: resultados da coorte AGA@4life

INTRODUÇÃO: O envelhecimento associa-se a alterações na estrutura e função do coração, havendo benefícios da prática de exercício físico no retardamento dessas alterações. OBJETIVOS: Caracterizar as alterações ecocardiográficas de uma população idosa submetida à intervenção multidis...

Analyzing approaches to mathematic modeling of heart sounds

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (9 especial), 2019
The article introduces the findings of the analysis of the existing approaches to the development of mathematical models of acoustic heart phenomena. The analysis of mathematical methods that can be used to model heart sounds has been performed with the use of reference signals from the 3M Open Library (...

Acute Physical Stress Preconditions the Heart Against Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury Through Activation of Sympathetic Nervous System

Arq. bras. cardiol; 113 (3), 2019
Abstract Background: Stress is defined as a complicated state that related to homeostasis disturbances, over-activity of the sympathetic nervous system and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis responses. Cardiac preconditioning reduces myocardial damages. Objective: This study was designed to assess the...

Interacciones cardiopulmonares: de la fisiología a la clínica

Rev. chil. pediatr; 89 (5), 2018
Resumen: Las Interacciones Cardiopulmonares (ICP) corresponden al conjunto de interrelaciones entre el sis tema respiratorio y el cardiovascular, durante el ciclo respiratorio y cardíaco. Estas interacciones varían dependiendo de si el paciente se encuentra en ventilación espontánea o mecánica, afec...