Results: 3

Testicular arteries anatomy applied to fowler-sthephens surgery in high undescended testis - a narrative review

Int. braz. j. urol; 48 (1), 2022
ABSTRACT Objectives: In this review we will describe the testicular vessels anatomy and the implications of these vessels in surgical treatment of high undescended testis. Material and Methods: We performed a narrative review of the literature about the role of the testicular arteries anatomy in the tr...

Does a bilateral polypropylene mesh alter the duct deferens morphology, testicular size and testosterone levels? Experimental study in rats

Acta cir. bras; 35 (2), 2020
Abstract Purpose To evaluate the effect of a PP mesh on duct deferens morphology, testicular size and testosterone levels. Methods Forty adult male rats were distributed into groups: 1) no surgery; 2) inguinotomy; 3) mesh placed on the duct deferens; and 4) mesh placed on the spermatic funiculus. Aft...

Pseudotumor fibroso calcificado del cordón espermático
Calcified fibrous pseudotumor of spermatic cord

Rev. cuba. cir; 48 (4), 2009
Los tumores paratesticulares son infrecuentes y la mayoría benignos. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 24 años de edad, con antecedentes de buena salud que asistió a la consulta por notarse en el escroto derecho un tumor de aproximadamente 4 cm de diámetro, de consistencia dura e indoloro, de uno...