Results: 70

The use of flowable bulk-fill resin composite entire cavity is a less time-consuming approach for occluso-proximal restorations in primary teeth

Aim: To comparethe time required to perform occluso-proximal restorations using different flowable resin composites (as an intermediate layer or entire cavity)with conventional resin composite (incremental technique). Materials and methods: Two standardized cavities were prepared on occlu...

Impact of photoinitiator quality on chemical-mechanical properties of dental adhesives under different light intensities

Braz. dent. sci; 26 (1), 2023
Objective: Evaluate the mechanical properties of experimental adhesive models with different photoinitiators (PI) polymerized by LED units of different power densities. Material and Methods: Three groups of adhesive models based on HEMA/BisGMA (45/55) were prepared in association with different PI com...

Light-curing of calcium hydroxide-based liners: pH analysis and calcium ion release

Braz. dent. sci; 26 (4), 2023
Objective: Compare the pH values and calcium ion release of calcium hydroxide-based liner materials before and after light-curing. Material and Methods: The materials evaluated were: hydrox-cal white (HW), hydrox-cal dentin (HD), Biocal (BC) and UltraBlend Plus (UB). 120 samples of the liner materials we...

The effect of curing modes and times of Third-Generation led LCU on the mechanical properties of nanocomposites

Odovtos (En línea); 24 (3), 2022
Abstract This study evaluates the effect of curing modes and times on the mechanical properties of nanocomposites. Two nanocomposite resins were investigated: suprananohybrid (Estelite Posterior Quick; EP) and nanohybrid (Solare X; SX). They were polymerized with a light-emitting diode light-curing units...

Effect of handling, time of use and photoactivation on the contamination of dental composite resins

Acta sci., Health sci; 44 (), 2022
This study evaluated the effect of contamination of composite resins (CRs) handled by undergraduate students during restorative procedures, varying the time (baseline, 30 days and 60 days) and experimental condition (before and after handling, contamination with saliva [positive cont...

Effect of Light-Curing Unit Type and Bulk-Fill Composite Resins with Different Photoinitiators on Marginal Gaps of Class II Restorations

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the effect of two types of light-curing units (second and third generations) and two types of bulk-fill composite resins with different photoinitiators - Tetric N-Ceram Bulk Fill (TNCB) and Xtra Fil (XTF) on gap formation at the gingival margins of Cl II restorations. Ma...

Effect of acid challenge and photoactivation distance on microhardness and roughness of flow bulk-fill composite resins

Abstract Introduction composite resins are indicated to the reconstruction of proximal walls and the evaluation of properties of flow bulk-fill composite resins exposed to acid challenge is necessary. Objective to evaluate the microhardness and roughness at different depths of photoactivation of bulk-f...

O método de fotopolimerização é capaz de influenciar nos valores de microdureza das resinas compostas? Um estudo in vitro

Introdução: a inovação dos métodos de fotopolimerização foi proposta na tentativa de diminuir o estresse de contração de polimerização das resinas compostas e proporcionar maior conforto ao paciente, reduzindo o tempo de atendimento odontológico. Objetivo: avaliar a microdureza de duas resina...

Influence of customization and light-curing device on the bond strength of glass fiber posts - in vitro study

Introduction: Endodontically treated teeth are usually affected by extensive structure loss requiring the use of intraradicular posts to provide retention and restoration. Objective: An in vitro assessment was performed on the bonding of glass fiber posts to the root dentin. Material and method: Ninety...