Results: 12

Marcadores infecciosos asociados a factores demográficos en donantes de sangre peruanos
Infectious markers associated with demographic factors in Peruvian blood donors

Rev. cuba. med. mil; 52 (4), 2023
Introducción: Las características de los donantes de sangre pueden variar entre centros de hemoterapia y pueden relacionarse con la seropositividad de marcadores infecciosos. Objetivo: Relacionar la seropositividad de marcadores infecciosos con los factores demográficos de los donantes de sangre perua...

Factores socioculturales, sexuales y reproductivos asociados al no uso de métodos anticonceptivos en adolescentes mujeres
Sociocultural, sexual and reproductive factors associated with the non-use of contraceptive methods in female adolescents

Rev. cuba. med. mil; 52 (2), 2023
Introducción: El embarazo en la adolescencia es un problema de salud pública en Perú; sin embargo, hay una cifra de adolescentes con vida sexual activa, sin protección anticonceptiva. Objetivo: Determinar los factores socioculturales, sexuales y reproductivos asociados al no uso de métodos anticonce...

Consumer food environment assessment and its association with socioeconomic factors in a midsize city in Brazil

Rev. Nutr. (Online); 36 (), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective To assess the consumer food environment and its associations with socioeconomic factors in a midsize Brazilian city. Methods An ecological study that assessed the consumer food environment through audits in a stratified and proportional sample of food stores. The ESAO-S and the ESAO-...

Physical, psychological and demographic factors associated with military discharge: a systematic review

Motriz (Online); 27 (), 2021
Abstract Aims: The present study is a review focused on analyzing the physical, psychological, and demographic factors that lead recruits to be dismissed or to request their dismissal during basic military training periods. Methods: This study is a systematic review of cohort studies. The following dat...

Características sociodemográficas y clínico-epidemiológicas de los pacientes adultos ingresados por diarrea del viajero en la Clínica Internacional Trinidad, 2015-2017
Sociodemographic and clinical-epidemiological characteristics of patients admitted for traveler's diarrhea to Trinidad International Clinic, 2015-2017

Rev. cuba. med. trop; 72 (1), 2020
Introducción: La diarrea del viajero es causa frecuente de hospitalización en turistas internacionales. Objetivo: Describir las características sociodemográficas y clínico-epidemiológicas de los pacientes adultos ingresados por diarrea del viajero en la Clínica Internacional de Trinidad durante l...

Monitoring inequality changes in full immunization coverage in infants in Latin America and the Caribbean

ABSTRACT Objective. To compare inequalities in full infant vaccination coverage at two different time points between 1992 and 2016 in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Methods. Analysis is based on recent available data from Demographic and Health Surveys, Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, and ...

Guía para la elaboración de un croquis

Con esta guía se busca poder consolidar el ordenamiento territorial según los territorios y sectores, recabar información importante de la fuente directa, misma que será un insumo trascendental para definir el tipo de servicios que se necesitan brindar en cada ubicación, al contar con información i...

Sociodemographic and health situation of teenage students according to sex

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (4), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To verify the association between sex (male and female) and sociodemographic, reproductive and sexual variables in teenagers and identify the highest rates of social and health issues among them. Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted with 239 adolescents enrolled in a p...

Spatial modeling of leprosy in the state of Bahia and its social determinants: a study of health inequities

An. bras. dermatol; 94 (2), 2019
Abstract BACKGROUND: Leprosy is a neglected disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. Brazil has the second largest number of cases in the world. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the spatial distribution of leprosy in the state of BAHIA, Brazil, and the association between his occurrence and the synthetic indicato...

War is not healthy: political violence and infant health outcomes in Colombia

Rev. salud pública; 20 (3), 2018
ABSTRACT Objectives To establish and quantify the effect of the internal armed conflict in Colombia on infant health, particularly birth weight. Methods This document explores time differences in relation to the impact of the internal armed conflict in Colombia, measured by municipal homicide rates, on...