Results: 14

Relationship between body composition, multiple repeated sprint ability and vertical jump performance in elite badminton players

Int. j. morphol; 40 (3), 2022
SUMMARY: The purpose of this study was to assess the correlation between the body composition, multiple repeated sprint ability (MRSAB) test, and vertical jump performance. Fifteen voluntary elite Turkish badminton players participated in the study. The MRSAB test consisted of 2 repetitions of 4 movement...

Effects of table tennis practice on balance and physical fitness in the elderly

ABSTRACT The Table Tennis game does not involve large displacements by the practitioner in the environment, a characteristic that can promote greater safety for the elderly in locomotor terms. In addition, it needs coordination, agility, speed of reaction, dynamic balance, which have been the focus of cu...

Are there differences between male and female badminton athletes in sleep, physical activity and sedentary time?

Rev. bras. med. esporte; 27 (2), 2021
ABSTRACT Introduction: High-performance athletes often undergo periods of exhaustive training and insufficient recovery, which can lead to decreased performance, but it is not clear whether there are any differences between the sexes in the level of habitual physical activity, sedentary time or sleep qu...

Official matches and training sessions: physiological demands of elite junior badminton players

Motriz (Online); 27 (), 2021
Abstract Aim: To evaluate the intensity of training and official badminton matches (international championship) in junior elite players. Methods: Twelve elite players from the Brazilian junior national team (6 male and 6 female) were monitored during 19 training sessions and 50 official men's and women...

Jogos escolares da rede pública do estado da bahia: análise das edições 2009 a 2017

RESUMO A partir da análise documental de 210 relatórios dos Jogos Escolares da Rede Pública da Bahia (JERP), este estudo teve por objetivo descrever a evolução histórica do JERP de 2009 a 2017, considerando as modalidades comuns e inovadoras ofertadas, número de escolares, número de escolas, núm...

Nonlinear pedagogy and the implications for teaching and training in table tennis

Motriz (Online); 25 (1), 2019
Aim: It is to propose a game-based and player-centred approach to teaching table tennis using nonlinear pedagogy insights. Methods: This is an essay which offers a well-reasoned articulated nonlinear pedagogy perspective on coaching and teaching table tennis issues Results: It offers the description...

Risk factors for lower extremity injuries in young badminton players

AIMS: Based on the limited evidence available about the intrinsic factors causing lower extremity injuries among Malaysian badminton players, this study was aimed to determine the relationship of demographic and physical characteristics to lower extremity injuries in young badminton players. METHODS: A c...

Metacarpal stress fracture in amateur tennis player - an uncommon fracture

Rev. bras. ortop; 52 (5), 2017
ABSTRACT Most stress fractures occur in the lower limbs and are rarely observed in the , upper limbs. The second metacarpal is the longest of all the metacarpals and has the largest base, articulating with the trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and third metacarpal. In athletes, stress fractures in non-weig...

Destreinamento em mesatenistas adolescentes

Objetivo: Avaliar a redução do rendimento físico em mesatenistas adolescentes. Métodos: A amostra foi constituída por 14 mesatenistas com idade de 14,3±2,8 anos. Coletou-se a massa corporal e a estatura, para cálculo do IMC. Para a obtenção das capacidades motoras/físicas foram utilizados os in...

Efeito da bandagem elástica na preensão palmar em jogadores de tênis de mesa

Existem técnicas que proporcionam aos atletas a possibilidade de melhorar seus desempenhos, entre essas podemos observar a bandagem funcional, tendo em vista que a sua aplicabilidade, podendo ser usada em qualquer região do corpo. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito do uso da bandagem elástic...