The use of facemask has become a key element to prevent the infection of Covid-19. Its
prolonged use, both, by health personnel and the general population, has caused the
appearance of multiple adverse effects at the facial level; highlighting the report of symptoms
such as discomfort with the mask, faci...
Abstract Background Rubeosis faciei diabeticorum is a persistent facial erythema in patients with diabetes mellitus. The actual pathogenesis has not been studied. However, it is speculated to be a cutaneous diabetic microangiopathy. Objective Examine the correlation between the severity of facial eryth...
La Dermatosis neutrofílica de las manos es consi-derada una variante localizada acral del Síndrome de Sweet, más frecuente en mujeres y principal-mente asociada a enfermedades hematológicas. Las lesiones aparecen como pápulas, vesículas, nó-dulos, placas, úlceras y ampollas, prin...
Abstract Herein we report a case of juvenile xantogranuloma, an inflammatory disease more commonly diagnosed during childhood and is characterized by cutaneous and ocular manifestations. Iris is the main target, presenting as local or diffuse yellowish lesions. Iris involvement may precipitate not only g...
A síndrome de Sturge-Weber (SSW) é uma desordem neuro-oculocutânea, rara e congênita. Esta facomatose, também conhecida como angiomatose encéfalotrigeminal, é definida pela tríade clássica: hemangiomas cutâneo, meníngeo e ocular. Apesar de sua apresentação típica, formas incompletas não s...