Results: 7

Pharmacotherapeutic follow-up in patients with type 1 diabetes in context of judicialization: possibility optimize costs

Abstract In Brazil, insulin analogs stand out as one of the most demanded medications by judicial means. However, the guarantee of judicial access does not guarantee rational use. In context, pharmacotherapeutic follow-up (PF) is shown to be clinical effective strategy for patients with diabetes. To eval...

Glycemic control and associated factors in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus in primary care in Southeastern Brazil

Abstract Diabetes is a self-managed condition with knowledge, attitudes and practices that can influence the overall treatment and outcomes delay the complications of diabetes. However, the few reported studies published point out that: low education level, poor adherence to pharmacotherapy and diet reco...

Endocrinopatías por inmunoterapia oncológica

La relación entre inmunidad y cáncer es compleja. Las células tumorales desarrollan mecanismos de evasión a las respuestas del sistema inmunitario. Esta capacidad permite su supervivencia y crecimiento. La inmunoterapia ha transformado el tratamiento oncológico mejorando la respuesta inmunitaria con...

Avaliação do papel de HSPB1 na modulação da autofagia induzida por PRL em células-beta

O diabetes mellitus tipo 1 é uma doença metabólica, caracterizada pela desregulação glicêmica, que ocorre devido a um ataque autoimune. A insulinoterapia é o tratamento clássico para o DM1. Contudo, alguns pacientes que apresentam essa doença não respondem de forma eficiente a este tratamento e...