Results: 13

Percepciones sobre el manejo nutricional del estreñimiento idiopático en el adulto mayor
Perceptions on the Nutritional Management of Idiopathic Constipation in the Elderly

Introducción: Los adultos mayores son la población más propensa a presentar desórdenes gastrointestinales, específicamente y en mayor proporción el estreñimiento idiopático. La alimentación es un factor clave, pero poco estudiado a la hora de tratar el estreñimiento. Objetivo: Comprender las di...

Diseño de dietas alimentarias para soldadores y paileros a partir de su gasto energético
Design of food diets for welders and smiths based on their energy expenditure

Rev. medica electron; 43 (3), 2021
RESUMEN Introducción: el desempeño laboral en algunos puestos de trabajo, determina un alto nivel de carga física por parte de los trabajadores, por lo que se impone la necesidad de disponer de una adecuada dieta alimentaria para mantener la salud física y mental. Objetivo: se desarrolló una inv...

Oral and enteral nutrition therapy in inflammatory bowel diseases among the pediatric population: a literature review

ABSTRACT Objectives: To review the literature on oral and enteral nutrition therapy and investigate the evidence of its efficacy as a treatment, as well as in preventing relapses and reducing symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases in the pediatric population. Data source: We performed a bibliographi...

Prevention of rocuronium induced mast cell activation with prophylactic oleuropein rich diet in anesthetized rabbits

Acta cir. bras; 33 (11), 2018
Abstract Purpose: The effect of a prophylactic oleuropein-rich diet before anesthesia accompanied by the widely-used steroid-based neuromuscular drug rocuronium on mast cell activation was investigated in the study. Methods: 14 rabbits used in the study. The rabbits in the oleuropein group were given ...

Recomendaciones para el tratamiento médico de la obesidad exógena en el nivel primario de atención
Recommendations for the Medical Treatment of Exogenous Obesity at the Primary Care Level

Introducción: Las medidas tomadas para el control integral de la obesidad han sido objeto de debate, y ante tal situación se recomienda un tratamiento que incluya varias orientaciones que pueden ser aplicadas por el médico y la enfermera de la familia, en colaboración con otros especialistas. Objetiv...

Síndrome de intestino irritable en adultos en atención primaria: resumen de la guía NICE
Irritable bowel syndrome in adults in primary care (NICE clinical guideline CG61)

Tryptophan overloading activates brain regions involved with cognition, mood and anxiety

An. acad. bras. ciênc; 89 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Tryptophan is the only precursor of serotonin and mediates serotonergic activity in the brain. Previous studies have shown that the administration of tryptophan or tryptophan depletion significantly alters cognition, mood and anxiety. Nevertheless, the neurobiological alterations that follow the...

Origen, componentes y posibles mecanismos de acción de la dieta mediterránea

Rev. méd. Chile; 145 (1), 2017
The Mediterranean diet is currently considered a healthy dietary pattern. It includes a great variety of foods, which are eaten in moderation and within a positive social environment. The generic term “Mediterranean diet” was born after the “Seven Countries Study” led by Ancel Keys around 1960. This ...

Lifestyle Intervention on Metabolic Syndrome and its Impact on Quality of Life: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Arq. bras. cardiol; 108 (1), 2017
Abstract Background: Lifestyle intervention programs can reduce the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and, therefore, reduce the risk for cardiac disease, one of the main public health problems nowadays. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of three types of approach for li...

Green banana pasta diet prevents oxidative damage in liver and kidney and improves biochemical parameters in type 1 diabetic rats

ABSTRACT Objective In this study, the effects of a green banana pasta diet on the oxidative damage from type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) were investigated. Materials and methods Formulations containing 25 (F25), 50 (F50), and 75% (F75) of green banana pasta were prepared and included in a 12-week diet o...