Results: 2

Energy supply and demand in the intervertebral disc

Coluna/Columna; 17 (3), 2018
ABSTRACT The intervertebral disc (IVD) is one of the parts of the body most commonly affected by disease, and it is only recently that we have come closer to understanding the reasons for its degeneration, in which nutrient supply plays a crucial role. In this literature review, we discuss the basic prin...

Resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de la lumbociática de origen discal
Results of surgical treatment of lumbociatic pain from intervetebral disc origin

Se revisaron los expedientes de 84 pacientes operados por síndrome radicular con lumbociatalgia considerada de origen discal entre 1970 y 1987 en los hospitales Guadalupe e ISSSTEP de puebla, mediante laminectomía y en caso necesario foraminotomía, con observación postoperatoria de 12 meses a 15 año...