Results: 9

Ultrasound-guided pericapsular nerve group and obturator nerve phenol neurolysis for refractory inpatient hip cancer metastasis pain: a case report

Braz. j. anesth; 74 (1), 2024
Abstract Introduction: Bone cancer metastasis may produce severe and refractory pain. It is often difficult to manage with systemic analgesics. Chemical neurolysis may be an effective alternative in terminally ill patients. Case report: Female terminally ill patient with hip metastasis of gastric cance...

Treatment of radiation-induced brachial plexopathy with omentoplasty

Autops. Case Rep; 10 (3), 2020
Radiation-induced brachial plexus neuropathy (RIBPN) is a rare and delayed non-traumatic injury to the brachial plexus, which occurs following radiation therapy to the chest wall, neck, and/or axilla in previously treated patients with cancer. The incidence of RIBPN is more common in patients treated for...

Everolimus as a single agent in refractory or relapsed Hodgkin's lymphoma: the Brazilian Named Patient Program Experience

Abstract Background Despite all the scientific progress that has been made on understanding the disease, prognosis for patients with relapsed and refractory Hodgkin's lymphoma remains poor and the treatment is palliative in the majority of the cases. Thus, the aim of this study was to present the result...

Uma pesquisa quase experimental em enfermagem sobre dor em pacientes em coma

Rev. bras. enferm; 69 (5), 2016
RESUMO Objetivo: verificar se pacientes em coma sentem dor durante a intervenção de enfermagem banho no leito. Método: 19 pacientes com 61 ± 17,39 anos de idade participaram do estudo. Realizou-se, pelo método ELISA, a análise quantitativa de substância P (SP) na saliva coletada antes e durante ...

A clínica da dor crônica como ninho de pacientes difíceis: o papel da identificação projetiva

Acta fisiátrica; 22 (1), 2015
Pacientes difíceis - ou de personalidade difícil - são frequentemente encontrados na clínica da dor crônica não-oncológica, impondo à relação médico-paciente sobrecargas que vão além das complexidades da doença e do tratamento. Esta revisão/relato de experiência discute o papel que o proc...