Results: 6

Brunei Publications in the Science Citation Index Expanded (1973-2016): Bibliometrics and comparison with other tropical countries

Rev. biol. trop; 66 (3), 2018
Abstract Brunei is a small tropical country -located in Southeast Asia- for which there are no previous bibliometric studies. Here we analyze papers published by Brunei scientists from 1973 to 2016 in the Science Citation Index Expanded and compare results with other tropical countries. We identified 1 5...

Design and efficacy of an Ecohealth competency-based course on the prevention and control of vector diseases in Latin America

Salud pública Méx; 60 (1), 2018
Abstract: Objective: To design and analyze the efficacy of an Ecohealth competency-based course on the prevention and control of vector-borne-diseases for specific stakeholders. Materials and methods: Multiple stakeholders and sectors of the region were consulted to identify Ecohealth group-specific ...

O mar no museu: um olhar sobre a educação nos aquários

A musealização do mar, hoje capitaneada por aquários e oceanários, envolveu a relação do homem com esses ambientes, assim como técnicas que permitiram sua exploração e a manutenção de organismos em cativeiro. Reconhecendo o papel de pesquisa e entretenimento que os aquários possuem, são anal...