Modelos celulares são muito utilizados na pesquisa experimental e, idealmente, constituem o primeiro nível de modelo de estudo. A utilização de modelos celulares permite, por exemplo, a primeira avaliação de tolerabilidade e de segurança de fármacos e tratamentos experimentais, além de permitir ...
Genetic modification of living organisms has been a prosperous activity for research and development of agricultural, industrial and biomedical applications. Three decades have passed since the first genetically modified products, obtained by transgenesis, become available to the market. The regulatory f...
BACKGROUND: Many human genetic diseases arise from point mutations. These genetic diseases can theoretically be corrected through gene therapy. However, gene therapy in clinical application is still far from mature. Nearly half of the pathogenic single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are caused by G:C>A:...
Introducción: Las distrofias musculares son las enfermedades degenerativas más comunes dentro de las enfermedades neuromusculares, cursan con debilidad muscular que progresa hasta la pérdida de la deambulación y en la segunda década de vida surgen complicaciones cardíacas, respiratorias y ortopédi...
ABSTRACT The ability to make site-specific modifications to the human genome has been an objective in medicine since the recognition of the gene as the basic unit of heredity. Thus, gene therapy is understood as the ability of genetic improvement through the correction of altered (mutated) genes or site-...