LILACS – Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Ciencias de la Salud | LILACS

Results: 18

Programa Condicionamento Vocal e Respiratório (CVR II): nova proposta para profissionais da voz

Distúrb. comun; 35 (1), 2023
Proposta recente de apresentação de Programa de Condicionamento Vocal e Respiratório (CVR I) incentivou a continuidade (CVR II), considerando novas estratégias de treinamento muscular vocal e respiratório que pudessem contribuir para melhor desempenho de profissionais da voz. Para a condução da aÃ...

Entrenamiento muscular inspiratorio en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca: una revisión de revisiones

RESUMEN: El objetivo de esta revisión fue conocer la influencia del entrenamiento muscular inspiratorio (EMI) sobre la capacidad aeróbica y la fuerza muscular inspiratoria (FMI) en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca (IC). Realizamos una revisión de revisiones sistemáticas en PubMed y Web of Scienc...

Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training Using an Electronic Device on Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Abstract Background Cardiac surgery causes pathophysiological changes that favor the occurrence of pulmonary and functional complications. Objective To investigate the effects of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) with an electronic device on patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Methods A randomized...

Reabilitação cardiopulmonar em pacientes pós-COVID-19: série de casos

RESUMO A história natural da doença e o tratamento de pacientes após a COVID-19 ainda se apresentam em construção. Os sintomas são persistentes, mesmo em casos leves, e as consequências decorrentes da infecção incluem fadiga, dispneia, taquicardia, perda de massa muscular e diminuição da capac...

Singing Voice Therapy Revisited

Introduction. Singing is a type of sportive activity and, like sports medicine, profes-sional voice medicine is interested in the habilitation and rehabilitation of the vocal performer. The vocal needs of the professional vocal performer may not be similar to other professional or non-professional voi...

Intervenção da fisioterapia na síndrome de Menkes: relato de caso

Acta fisiátrica; 27 (1), 2020
Objetivo: Descrever a intervenção da fisioterapia motora e respiratória no caso de uma criança com Síndrome de Menkes. Método: Relato de caso, com base em registros retrospectivos, no qual são apresentados dados referentes ao acompanhamento fisioterapêutico de uma criança com o diagnóstico de S...

Physiotherapeutic approaches and the effects on inspiratory muscle force in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the pre-operative preparation for abdominal surgical procedures

ABSTRACT Background: Abdominal disorders can alter respiratory function and increase the morbidity and mortality of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Aim: To improve the physiotherapeutic and muscular capacity in chronic obstructive pulmonary muscular inspiration in the preoperative ...

Effects of high-intensity inspiratory muscle training associated with aerobic exercise in patients undergoing cabg: randomized clinical trial

Abstract Objective: Evaluate the interaction between high-intensity inspiratory muscle training (IMT) and aerobic exercise on physical capacity, respiratory muscle strength, peripheral muscle strength, and quality of life of patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Methods: Twenty...

Combination of preoperative pulmonary and nutritional preparation for esophagectomy

Acta cir. bras; 33 (1), 2018
Abstract Purpose: To compare pulmonary and nutritional parameters before and after inspiratory muscle training (IMT) and enteral feeding support in patients with esophageal disease undergoing preoperative outpatient follow-up. Methods: Thirty patients with a mean age of 55.83 years, 16 men and 14 wome...

The influence of inspiratory muscle training combined with the Pilates method on lung function in elderly women: A randomized controlled trial

Clinics; 73 (), 2018
OBJECTIVE: Aging is progressive, and its effects on the respiratory system include changes in the composition of the connective tissues of the lung that influence thoracic and lung compliance. The Powerbreathe® K5 is a device used for inspiratory muscle training with resistance adapted to the level of t...